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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Republicans don't generally pay attention to registered Democrats from out of district. You could probably say the same for most local politicians.
  2. So she wanted us to reload our telescopes? BTW, I took a look at the similar map by the Democrats. That sucks, and I will be writing some angry letters.
  3. Political hay is for horses. You're right, I'm definitely trying to take advantage of this little girl's death by posting on a Buffalo Bills football centered forum.
  4. I inferred that I hadn't seen any political posters from liberal candidates with crosshairs over their opponents. And I haven't. And if I do, I'll gladly call that candidate a dickweed. Someone else pointed out a google search where a few liberal nuts (generally not political candidates or those who have held office) have said some inflammatory things, and I then posted that those folks are also douchebags. We're going to have to agree to disagree on the likelihood of political vitriol playing a role in the shooting. Or maybe you won't agree to anything, I wouldn't be surprised. I think highly unbalanced people such as this are very likely to be swayed by the kind of propaganda and jargon put forth by Palin. I guess your feeling is that crazy people only listen to the voices in their head. I guess that could be true, I'm not crazy so I don't know. So far I've seen facts pointing out that the guy was nuts, not that his actions (crazy as they are) weren't influenced by folks such as Palin. Stay classy.
  5. Did I use the term hate radio? Keep up the vitriol, it's only helping.
  6. Only a fascist would endorse mandatory viewing. Fascist.
  7. Your example is a google search which basically brings back nothing? Well played. And also, I appreciate the insults. It paints a wonderful picture. But you would have done better calling me a whiny libtard. Edit: I see that there are some examples of people who identify themselves with the left making stupid comments throughout this search. So thanks for that. They're douchebags as well.
  8. Resigning Poz for a million a year is totally reasonable.
  9. It's possible that it may have an inspired an obviously insane man to murder. I'm only saying it's time to tone down the rhetoric. Not that Sarah Palin is at fault. But if you're looking for an example, here you go: "Don't retreat! Instead - RELOAD!" I don't know how an insane man could possibly take this as an invitation (along with the crosshairs targeting her office) to shoot at a Congresswoman.
  10. bull ****, Reagan is the one who drastically cut funding for nuthouses, putting folks like this on the street. I'd like to see one example of a statement by anyone who can reasonably be aligned with the left who says that we should not lock up the criminally insane. And what ridiculous assertion exactly did I make?
  11. Isn't bitching about someone else's wages a little... anti-capitalist?
  12. I don't think anyone is implying that the guy isn't crazy, only that his actions may have been inspired by some very poorly chosen words by people on the right. (People on the left generally don't publish posters with crosshairs covering the offices of opposing politicians. That may or may not be the case, but in any case I think it's time to tone down the bull **** rhetoric.
  13. Tonight we had baked chicken thighs marinated and cooked in coconut milk, rice wine vinegar, soy sauce, garlic and chilies (with baby bok choy and rice.)
  14. Jersey City NJ. But they only have it once in a while, so you just never know if it's going to be there. Luckily, all of their food is worth the visit.
  15. This is still Off the Wall, right? Are there some restrictions on what's acceptable here?
  16. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=5999907 Maybe Maryland got some word of this when deciding to stay away from him?
  17. My favorite restaurant has a scallop and lobster burger. It's amazing.
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