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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Was the poster talking about how he's going to lead his company to the playoffs? Your analogy is puzzling.
  2. Point taken. My point is, I prefer when athletes perform on the field. I don't find that much positive can come from making statements such as Spiller's. I would expect that to be his goal. I don't understand what saying it accomplishes. Like I said in an earlier post, I expect a lot of the people on this board feel the same way, although you're right that some people will never be happy.
  3. I can guarantee that if he does take us to the playoffs, this will not be the case. But we've heard it before from players on this team, and it hasn't amounted to squat.
  4. Both of those plots were much more believable than your current work.
  5. I don't read his (or anyone else's twitter.) And I didn't moan and B word about what he tweeted. I'm just postulating that a lot of people on this board would rather not hear predictions about the coming year. They probably would like to hear what the athlete is up to (maybe how he is preparing to win next year.) I agree that people would take it differently from a player who has had more success (in the eyes of the fans anyway) such as Wood or Fred Jackson.
  6. Is this the same guy that blew up the giant squid / octopus thing?
  7. The primary reason we are at #2 and the Patriots are at # 15 is that we stink. And they're good. Math. From the article, the record of our opponents this year (Patriots, Dolphins and Jets are counted twice since we played them twice.) 137-119-0 which equals a .535 winning percentage Record of Patriots opponents: 129-127-0 which equals a .504 winning percentage Now take the Patriots and Bills off of each others schedules and you have: Bills opponents record: 109 - 115 which equals a winning percentage of .486 Patriots opponents record 121 - 103 which equals a winning percentage of .540
  8. My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose.
  9. Really? He can't win? How about he keeps his mouth shut until he actually does contribute to some wins?
  10. Maybe I wasn't clear. I'm sick of people using the terms left-tard, lib-tards, etc.... And right-tard isn't helping.
  11. I'm sick of the left-tard, lib-tard, and other extremely clever takes on this. I guess the discussion rules on the rest of the board don't apply here?
  12. I do think Brady in particular takes offense to this kind of stuff, and I wouldn't be at all surprised to see him destroy the Jets this weekend.
  13. They confiscated bonuses? Arbitrarily? I'd like to spend some time in your reality. They tried to impose an excessive tax on bonuses from companies who owed more than $ 5 billion in bonus money.
  14. It's acceptable when you have enough folks on your side to win. Otherwise, you're a terrorist. That's how history works.
  15. It's also worth mentioning that this principle isn't one that any elected official at the Federal level (Dem or Republican) has. What we're talking about is taking a somewhat higher percentage if you happen to make more than that arbitrary number. It may seem like I'm nitpicking, but I think the difference between them taking an extra 2% from somebody making $380,000 (vs. 2% less from someone making $379,000) and taking everything over $379,000 is pretty significant. There is no income level where the govt simply takes the rest, and no one is proposing that. That's true, just look at all we received from the Injuns. Still working on getting Iraq to donate tho'.
  16. I would do whatever Peyton tells me to do.
  17. It may be their preferred method of communication; for these types of things I prefer a letter. No my return address does not say Captain Caveman - Registered Democrat, because that's not my real name. I didn't realize you were looking for a serious response. If you are, here it is. I'm not going to take the time to write to any republicans, because I don't feel like they represent me. I don't really want most of them to.
  18. Angry Letters: http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSQ6xariQiLB-VoeCYk2SZGM9z0_tEv0MxTrT3oXxX-zlpDUxEU Hey, stamps aren't free bub.
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