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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. We also offered LeBeau the job and he turned it down.
  2. Because he wasn't getting along with Gray. He likely would have remained the Asst. Head Coach.
  3. I'm sorry, can we get back to talking about busts?
  4. Actually, botanically speaking it is a fruit. Fruit.
  5. I wish the rational side of you would stop helping your redneck side type.
  6. Have a good day. One = Day. Happy Weekday bothers me much more. That's not a real thing, having happy weekdays.
  7. The Jets showed that the way to beat the Brady led Pats is to get consistent pressure on him. There are a couple good DL prospects in this years draft that could help us do just that.
  8. Maybe Rex should stop claiming that every matchup is personal.
  9. My father is part of a volunteer dept. in the Southern Tier; they have 3 paid drivers so one is always on the clock, but the rest of the dept. is all volunteer. This keeps response times fairly quick (since no one has to first drive to the fire hall and pick up the truck) and also keeps costs down. Where I live we have lots of paid fireman, and the taxes to go with it. I haven't had a use for them (knock on wood) yet. It's also worth noting that at least 95% of the calls my Dad goes on are medical emergencies and not fire related.
  10. http://www.thefightingwannstaches.com/wp-content/uploads/wannstache_iphone.png
  11. For anyone who didn't want to watch that whole 9 minute interview: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/01/13/wes-welker-likes-his-foot-metaphors/
  12. Sure, we're all just ridiculing you because we're jealous.
  13. I was gonna say the best thing that could happen would be for Brady and Sanchez to both suffer career ending knee injuries in Sunday's game. I'd never wish that kind of harm on anyone. But it would be the best thing that could happen.
  14. I think the words, sentiments and actions are all worth considering. I do disagree with the idea of demonstrating at a soldier's (or anyone's) funeral. But I also think it was shameful that she was forced to.
  15. Yeah, I thought so. I saw a few kind of nutty things on there. And a lot of things I happen to agree with. I did not see "God hates fags".
  16. Which just goes to prove my point. Nobody likes Math. Also, it's not that we need to get better. It's that the Patriots need to get worse. Much, much worse.
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