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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Making fun of the French, how bold of you.
  2. Do you know where I can get some?
  3. That's a big pickle that kid is holding. Well, let's say this Twinkie Pickle represents the normal amount of psychokinetic energy in the New York area. Based on this morning's sample, it would be a Twinkie... Pickle thirty-five feet long, weighing approximately six hundred pounds.
  4. WEO, you keep implying that a Dr. would run Merriman to the point of injury. Is your Dr. as tough on you?
  5. Like I said, they're taking a chance. Worst case scenario is that Merriman never plays another down (and I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't.) Then we've lost some $. Are you complaining that Ralph is spending $ now? Or are you saying we should have picked up someone else? I'm just sick of nutcases on this board complaining about how everything we do is wrong, without suggesting any alternatives.
  6. They took a chance. It cost them very little relatively. Now they're taking another. It may not work out. Meh.
  7. Ok, so you want them to just do better. You don't actually have any specific suggestions. Thanks.
  8. Sio you're comparing a two hour physical to working with the guy for 2 months? So you wanted them to sign who?
  9. I would propose that most with common sense would realize that $2.5 million isn't a huge risk, and that there aren't many other options available in free agency. If he ends up injured it's not like he's going to be taking up a roster spot. Not to mention our doctors and trainers had plenty of time to examine him to determine whether this was likely to carry into next season. Let me turn this around. Who would you sign?
  10. John, I think you're absolutely correct to not let that Yankee tie factor into your decision. For the most part, I behave in the same manner. But as someone who has worked in sales, I know that not all people are as reasonable. And it's not a salesman's job to make make those people be reasonable. It's his (or her) job to sell stuff.
  11. perspective is required. we're not talking about sports. we're talking about sales. it's a ****ty job, that requires doing whatever you can to get the customer to like you. if the boss thought that the tie was an obstacle in any way to this guy having customers in chicago like him, then he's justified in asking him to take it off. and justfied in firing the guy when he refused. if it's some other job, i don't feel the same way.
  12. He asked him to take off the tie twice, it's not like the guy wasn't given a chance. I agree the boss sounds like a dick, but as I've stated throughout this thread, salesman need to make their customers trust and like them. Wearing a Packers tie in Chicago could be an obstacle to that goal.
  13. Not if that court is in Chicago. Again, we're talking about a job where the sole skill is to make people like you and trust you. You don't do that by wearing a Packers tie in Chicago. It's just common sense.
  14. What? Salesman will be less likely to kiss ass if the customer is paying cash?
  15. If you're spending $20,000 on a toaster, toilet seat, or computer someone will be there to kiss your ass.
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