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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. From NFL.com Hopefully this is way off, otherwise not sure how he will work as a SS.
  2. I was thinking Dr. Sack. Leon Seals doesn't deserve it. I do like Marcellasaurus.
  3. Are you asking about unemployment or social security? Everyone can and should be able to collect from social security, because everyone pays into it. In order to collect unemployment, Arnold would have to prove that he's unsuccessfully looking for work. Probably not worth it for him to collect the 20k or so a year he might get out of it.
  4. Right. And a guy who tried to cheat multiple times (on the same paper) may not be willing to put in that work once he gets paid. Or maybe he's changed. We'll see.
  5. Used to be a cop is pretty great as well. JW - did you pick up SRO yet?
  6. Nobody's defending incomopetence. We're (or at least I am) saying that yelling at the guy on the phone does no good at all. ANd I'll repeat, it's not his fault Verizon doesn't give out the information you were looking for. That doesn't have anything to do with what his native language is.
  7. What this guy is doing is taking whatever job he can get to feed his family. Hate the company, not the poor guy on the phone.
  8. Anyone Verizon is paying to make this call isn't going to be able to answer your questions. Verizon, and most companies who do this type of calling, give their callers very limited information. I hope yelling at the guy made you feel better, 'cause it's not going to result in any better service in the future. When I am really smart you are going to regret it. Just laughed coffee through my nose.
  9. The whole low risk high reward statement makes the assumption that he's not looking for a big contract. That's an assumption that I wouldn't make, especially for him to come to Buffalo.
  10. I think the actual quote was "Judge not, lest ye be Earthquaked"
  11. You know what they say about people who build glass houses on faultlines.
  12. Man, I told you all we should've drafted Mike Williams instead of this imbecile. Oh, wait...
  13. Is using an expired license that big of a deal? Did it have a picture on it that looked like her? How old was the license? On a separate note, I boarded a plan a couple of years ago with no license. In a rush to make an early flight for my grandfather's funeral I had left my wallet at home. TSA agents were able to do some background screening via phone and I was able to board the plane eventually.
  14. and...dude, having an amphibious rodent... within the city limits... that ain't legal either.
  15. I don't see any mention of a hospital visit in the CBS link. It implies she immediately returned to the hotel, then flew home.
  16. I think the hockey players have the huge advantage here. How many guys on the Bills roster can even stand on skates?
  17. This is my primary complaint. If Lalime is going to be on the team, they need to trust him enough to spell Miller at least in the occasional back to back game. If they need to call up someone from Portland for that reason, it's a farce having him on the team, and if they don't want Enroth sitting (which I completely understand), then they should go out and pick up another goalie.
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