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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Those rely on some security question / and or go to what is supposed to be a secure email (where you also have to login with a password.)
  2. We want Kyle Orton? Jesus, suddenly I feel lucky to be a Bills fan.
  3. It's an idea. Seems like a lot of assumptions: 1. That he could pass a physical. He did not play at all in 2010, and also missed the last 5 games of 2009. If he still failed his physical with the Raiders, it leads me to believe he probably is not going to pass our physical either, and may have some permanent damage. (Notice that no other teams have shown any interest since he failed his physical with the Raiders.) 2. Assuming he passes his physical, how much of an improvement will a guy who hasn't played football in a year and a half due to a back injury (and who by all accounts still seems to have some issues with his back) be over our existing lineman? I would imagine that back injury may have limited his workout routine. 3. That he'd be willing to agree to this kind of salary arrangement. Maybe he would. I don't know. I would think that if the Bills (or any other team) thought he had any chance of passing his physical, and agreeing to this type of contract, he would have had some more interviews by now. There's at least 15 other teams out there who like like some help at tackle too.
  4. So what available OT do you propose we sign? It's easy to B word and moan without offering any realistic solutions.
  5. I'm planning to the test later this year. Good luck!
  6. There's not a real way to "find" the password if you don't have it saved or written somewhere, this would make the password itself meaningless. You either have to remember / find the password where it has been written down / stored, or reset the password from the router.
  7. I wouldn't mind taking a flier on Kaczur (as mentioned in my post above), but a leader? Really? Leading the team in drug abuse?
  8. I think he's already spent all his belongings, hence trying to trick the Raiders into signing him.
  9. Have to admit, a couple of days ago I was intrigued, but this, on top of the fact that he has not played since 2009 leads me to believe he will not be effective again.
  10. The last year there was a cap (2009) we were about 7 mil under it, less than the 11% that will be required in 2013. http://www.askthecommish.com/salarycap/numbers.asp Keep starting threads.
  11. Not sure I understand your gibberish, but we've been spending cash to the cap. That's all that's required (beginning in 2013.)
  12. George Wilson's beard is much better. Edit - or at least it used to be. Didn't he used to have a hermit beard?
  13. BS. By all accounts the Bills offered more than the Falcons for Clabo. They're also likely offering to overpay for Burnett. If he's shopping around, it's probably because he would prefer to play somewhere else (as would most NFL players) all other things including $ being equal.
  14. If Kaczur has cleaned up his act I'd be interested.
  15. Since time is relative, and with each day that goes by you've experienced more of it, each day seems to go by a little quicker. The days turn into years. How about a fried salad?
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DVOOo7tSDCUs&rct=j&sa=X&ei=ge0yTseHA5CEtgfQrqj_DA&ved=0CFUQuAIwCA&q=big+kahuna+burger&usg=AFQjCNHIDJDsUhRGL3UuVBNVr89evaO5MA&cad=rja This is a tasty burger.
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