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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. we're interested? if someone else takes him he better be the real deal. oh wait, that's another thread.
  2. I heard they were going to offer Tyson Clabo $7 Million a year for the next 5 years at least, so he better make the next 5 pro bowls.
  3. Or else he scanned the arrest reports (which I'm assuming a reported can get his hands on pretty easily) and found that there was no arrest.
  4. Technically, Pryor was punished for circumventing NFL rules regarding the draft.
  5. Yeah, NE players have their 'roids supplied at no cost.
  6. Not for HGH (at least until the new CBA went into place)
  7. If this rumor turns out to be true, he has some brass ones posting this today.
  8. Right, but being caught by police or border agents with the substance probably falls under those strict guidelines.
  9. Border agents don't stop you for street legal products.
  10. not sure a player can be cut (at least according to the old CBA) for banned substance issues.
  11. In context, the last word of his previous tweet implies that this is NOT franchise altering news.
  12. My understanding is that HGH is fairly easy to get in Canada (think Dr. Galea)
  13. I think that was just someone misinterpreting Tim Graham's 3:30 Buf News video chat.
  14. Up until a couple of weeks ago there was no HGH testing done by the NFL.
  15. You heard it here first, Ralph has challenged Roger to a duel.
  16. This is a tweet from Adam Schefter (you can see it on espn's nfl page now)
  17. Goodell needs to respond to Vick's comments. They didn't suspend him for what he did in college, they suspended him because he made himself ineligible to return to school after the draft, thus, circumventing the NFL rules in place for incoming players from college. From their ruling: "Pryor made decisions that undermine the integrity of the eligibility rules for the NFL Draft."
  18. Does it have to be the old style? http://www.nflshop.com/product/index.jsp?productId=11783140
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