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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Because you are more likely to catch the disease than be harmed by the vaccine.
  2. No, it's because we're cursed. We never should have let that Mogwai eat after midnight.
  3. Fred Jackson is really going to be pissed now. In the last 3 years we have watched Fred Jackson outproduce 2 1st rd round RBs. How is he easily replaceable?
  4. ****, I thought you were giving away deodorant.
  5. on the bright side, these kids have announced publicly there are no limits to their douchiness.
  6. http://www.reuters.com/article/2007/08/22/us-murray-idUSL2287033920070822 + http://themoviebros.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/quickchange1.jpg = awesome.
  7. Seriously? Maybe this is what happens when you learn football from watching the Bills play defense.
  8. I heard Brad Smith wasn't smart enough to grow a beard.
  9. It's handicapped because you have a MLB who can't cover or catch up with anyone.
  10. My guess last year was an inability to learn the playbook / pass protection schemes, but it's hard to say.
  11. Maybe, but the offense has the luxury of running left, right, or throwing against a defense that is severely handicapped.
  12. bodily momentum in football is not necessarily a good thing. when i was learning to play offensive line (a long, long time ago) the first thing i was taught was how to use a defensive players momentum to my advantage. disclaimer: i never had to try using this technique against someone who weighed 375 lbs, so take that with a grain of salt.
  13. Was watching the game, and he played even better than the stats indicated. He was breaking tackles all over the place. The kid is a great runner, and if he can pass protect (which the Saints coach mentions as a strength also), he belongs in the NFL.
  14. How about the reality that as an individual, you're safer if vaccinated?
  15. Was it last year or the year before when barring a catastrophic collapse we should have beat the Pats?
  16. We did get Eric Wood out of it, not to mention a couple of years of Pro Bowl caliber left tackle-ing.
  17. Does Vegas publish odds of being the worst team in the league? I don't expect us to be the worst team this year, but I would guess Vegas has us at reasonable odds to be the worst team (maybe 15-1?) as opposed to the 150-1 of winning the Superbowl (I would guess our odds of going 16-0 would even higher than the odds of winning the super bowl.)
  18. It's a good point that at college games they generally don't serve any alcohol (of course fans do pregame in the parking lot.) I try to make a Penn State game every year, and it's amazing how much fun a crowd of 110,000 mostly sober fans can be.
  19. I went to my first game at 12, and it makes me sad to think that today some parents might not take their kids because other people don't know how to behave. It makes me even sadder that there are people who don't think pro sports need to be kid friendly. Believe me, if I didn't go to those games at 12, I wouldn't be nearly as invested in this team as I am today. Edit: I'm not saying you have to behave as if you were in church. I don't mind crude language as long as it's not directed at anyone in particular. But there's no excuse for drinking to the point of sickness, fighting, etc....
  20. Grudge match for Gailey, I'm hoping this team plays that way. We'll see.
  21. Waaah, I want Ralph's guarantee. I can **** in a box and stamp a guaranteed sticker on it.
  22. Let me start out by saying that I am not a part of the Ralph is cheap crowd. (I do enjoy posting it sarcastically.) With that said, can anyone explain why we have a salary cap man? What are the chances we will need someone in that function before 2013?
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