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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. If we sign someone it will be to play special teams and as a 4th-5th option, so a big name WR is almost certainly out of the question. They want to develop their young receivers, Parrish being hurt doesn't change that.
  2. You have us winning every game that might be winnable. Doesn't often happen in the NFL. You have us sweeping the NFC East. Unlikely. You seem to be planning to have Fitz healthy for all 16 games. Unlikely.
  3. Right. My point was that I disagree. I thought he had very little time to throw, but though an exceptional performance on his part he made it work.
  4. Without Fred Jackson, we would not be leading the league in rushing. If we hadn't opened up against KC and Oakland, we would not be #1 in rushing. I stand by my answer. The O-line has looked adequate; these two wins have been entirely because of our skill players (on offense at least.) Fitz had very little time to throw yesterday, he was getting rid of the ball extremely quickly. Jackson made the most out of some small gaps. BTW, I'm not one who was bashing the O-line before the season, I was (and still am) hoping that experience brings them more confidence and success. But don't expect to still be leading the league in rushing at the end of the season. Maybe. The Pats defense hasn't been stellar.
  5. Because no other team has been able to play both the Raiders and the Chiefs? And Fred Jackson.
  6. He also called the Raiders head coach "Huge Jackson" Or been tackled at the line of scrimmage. Jackson made a sweet move to find the hole, and also made a cb miss.
  7. Who cares? It was a legal block. If Johnson hadn't made the block and Berry influenced the play, Chan would have (or at least should have) chewed him out. Berry got taken out because he didn't have his head on a swivel.
  8. really, don't you guys have a phone list or something?
  9. Yeah, I have to admit this scares me. I've got a bad feeling about this. Where's Han Solo when you need him?
  10. One thing to note - his name was not on the page as text, but as an image. From a web design standpoint, it's likely that it was not a journalist, but a developer or graphic designer who was responsible for the image. That being said, the editor still should have caught it.
  11. I think Martin replaced Easley, and they brought back Corner to help out with McGee out (taking Eddins' spot tho'.)
  12. non-football injuries are not generally disclosed by the team. i would guess the bills had permission to release the info.
  13. I'm allergic. I don't think it's been reported anywhere that the coach blamed him for it - do you have a link? I read that the coach said it would be up to Easley to talk about if he chose to do so, which would make sense if it's a non-football health issue (regardless of whether Easley was to blame.) It likely has nothing to do with embarrassment. A player's health (when non-football related) is generally not for the coach to discuss, unless the player has already addressed it. Then why not release him outright? They wouldn't have to pay him this year. By putting him on IR, they do. Ralph's or the Velociraptors? Also, who would win in a fight?
  14. I would expect them to cut him if that was the case, why pay him the full year's salary? BS - the NFLPA couldn't have done anything because he was injured. He had surgery. At that point, it doesn't matter how many weeks he would have missed, it's the Bills' prerogative to decide if they need to IR him and sign someone else. In general though, the notion that IR is some form of punishment in this case is ridiculous. The player goes home, and gets paid for the rest of the season. That punishes the team more than the player.
  15. They showed improvement 2 years ago, then came out and **** the bed in the regular season.
  16. What do the reporters do? They watch the same open practices and preseason games that many of the people on this board do. They looked mediocre for most of training camp and in the preseason games. It wasn't only our reporters that thought so. I think you could have asked Chan or Fitzy if we would beat KC by 30+ points they would have looked at you cross-eyed.
  17. yeah, because Fitz outplayed Edwards in the preseason last year during the QB competition, right?
  18. You know he's not on the team, right?
  19. I'm not sure you understand what a guarantee means. Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I got spare time. But for now, for your customer's sake, for your daughter's sake, ya might wanna think about buying a quality product from me.
  20. Our special teams blocking as a whole really took a turn for the worse last year (our kickoff were also worse, and in general it seems like Chan doesn't give the same attention to special teams as our previous coaches.)
  21. I would just arrange to have the frames purchased from the optician for your friend. Anything else and you're asking for some hassle.
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