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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Why do you say they can resign him for less than the price of the franchise tag?
  2. <sarcasm> Everyone knows the league doesn't want the Bills to be successful. How else do you explain the fact that we have the toughest schedule of all winning teams so far. They should have let us play the Redskins every week. </sarcasm>
  3. The same reason as the OP, I would guess. Because IMO, someone on the Internet is wrong.
  4. Ok, glad we cleared that up. So they're tied. Now, who would win in a fight, the Matrix or the Terminators?
  5. I think we beat the Terminators, but the Matrix might have ended in a tie. Did anyone see the third movie?
  6. It has 2. The AFL and CFL. It should learn to utilize them better.
  7. I voted for B, but my preferred option would be that Fred realizes the leverage they have on him and signs a reasonable contract for the next 4-5 years. Maybe 10 Million per year for the next 5 years, but with not much guaranteed. I understand this is not realistic.
  8. I'm ok with being tied for first place. I am enjoying it. I just think it's weird that you (and apparently others) think that tiebreakers should be applied before week 17. Also, I wouldn't even know where one could purchase "Haterade" did you call it? Does it make you angry? You sound angry.
  9. Why would you franchise him next year when he's already under contract?
  10. This seems to really bother you. They should call it something else then. Tiebreaker implies the two teams are tied. I guess by your logic, following the first game of the season no 2 teams are ever tied? That seems weird, but I'll go along with it, as long as you can get the NFL to call tiebreakers something else.
  11. If the Patriots lose to the Giants at home I'll eat Christopher Walken's hat.
  12. So if they're not tied, why are you going to tiebreakers?
  13. I think they may end up franchising him. Stevie has been a very good receiver, but he also seems to be a little boneheaded at times, which may give Ralph second thoughts about a long term contract.
  14. Yes, but Johnson's contract is up at the end of the year. Jackson's contract is not up until the end of next year.
  15. Yeah, tiebreakers don't get used until after week 17, so it's a little early to complain about this kind of thing IMO.
  16. Playing the Washington Redskins for the next 12 weeks (including our playoff run) is unsustainable. There is no way the league would allow a small market team like Buffalo to do that.
  17. Just be prepared to have the cops called, because at that point you will be suspected of theft.
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