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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Not really true. The Eagles drafted a guy in the 3rd round, and also have Kafka who will likely make the team over Edwards. Edwards will likely be camp fodder.
  2. 31-19 as a starter, brought in to be a backup, I don't hate this.
  3. Do you just want the name, or do you need hosting? I use hostmonster.com, my package is 8 or 9$ a month and includes the domain name and hosting.
  4. Creepy Uncle. A little too interested in the birthing process.
  5. Did you read the OP, especially the part in bold below?
  6. And there were thousands. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSNDrYwptzo
  7. I'll have a fendi, on a bun please? Hold the onions? I'll be here all week.
  8. Maybe a black hole slowly capturing the sun? I don't think we're going to make it 'til December.
  9. Yeah, bleacher report is probably a better source than wikipedia.
  10. Luckily, he has not shown he can stay healthy, and the Dolphins don't have any receivers.
  11. We went down last year and there was some major renovations happening which took away from some of the serenity of the Jefferson Memorial. My wife and I go down every year and do 2-3 days walking the entire mall and all of the museums and monuments. If you're up for a walk there are some great seafood places for lunch on the southwest waterfront. (Captain White's and Pruitt's I think.)
  12. Is a one sided conversation still a conversation? I don't think it matters, because I don't think there's any chance that that's not what happened. First, the article says we told the agent to put us on the list. Second, do you think if we don't speak to the agent beforehand he is going to schedule Buffalo for the first visit? The bottom line is it probably doesn't matter unless Houston decides to make it an issue, but this is probably tampering (according to the letter of the law.)
  13. Did some digging and found my old ID, shipping box is on its way. It is 7 years old.
  14. Right, but what's being said here is that the club talked to the agent about the player before the beginning of Free Agency. Which would be tampering.
  15. Yeah, Toronto had a scheduling conflict and had to forfeit the game, we don't have to pay them back.
  16. Buddy wouldn't even say Mario Williams' name prior to the 4 o'clock deadline, because it can be considered tampering (and has been in the past.) Pretty sure if we're going by technicalities no discussions (even those gauging interest) are supposed to happen prior to the deadline.
  17. The online form wouldn't work for me, I'm wondering if it's because I used another Apple ID back then (can't remember it, but I think it was tied to my old email address.) I wonder if I take it into an Apple store if they'll be able to do anything for me.
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