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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. I think it translates to CERN in European. That's a language, right?
  2. I really think people need to have a better filter for what constitutes "the media".
  3. I find it ridiculous that you find it ridiculous. I'm not sure what that means, but I just wanted to throw that out there.
  4. I think most consider Parcells and Ditka to be in with the greats (and somewhat lacking in the QB dept.)
  5. Wow, that's sad about Slim. This is one of my favorites. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElcF1Py21CU
  6. I don't know if the rumor is true, but it is unfortunate that there is still such a huge stigma tied to homosexuality, especially for professional athletes.
  7. Depending on your track record with Apple products, they may replace it for you for no charge. I've had desktops, laptops, and I was on my second iPhone last year when I dropped it and killed it. I brought it into a Apple store, they originally told me it would be about 200$ to fix the screen, I didn't complain since it was obviously my fault. After going back for the new one the service guy told me it was no charge.
  8. You mean like this? http://media.photobucket.com/image/calvin%20and%20hobbes%20peeing/buzzbombkirk/calvinhobbes.jpg
  9. Have you left a note on it? If the owner is anywhere nearby it's possible they're checking on it somewhat regularly.
  10. What are the odds it's just somebody visiting one of the neighbor's apartments who doesn't want his truck towed?
  11. It's funny how you responded to his post asking drivers not to lump all bikers together by lumping all drivers together. Funny.
  12. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/16/us/san-francisco-cyclist-charged-with-manslaughter.html
  13. Not a UFO. http://www.upi.com/Science_News/2012/06/18/Undersea-object-probably-not-a-UFO/UPI-54761340064847/?spt=hs&or=sn
  14. He may have been a distraction, but it seems pretty obvious that he was a player worth putting up with the distraction, without him the Giants likely do not win last year's Super Bowl.
  15. double edge blades don't have anything as far as lubrication, they just get loaded right into the razor. this is my setup: http://www.tradererazors.com/ http://www.bullgooseshaving.net/perabl.html http://www.bullgooseshaving.net/dhaarshsoinb.html You can get razors and soap for much less, but I splurged since I'm saving a ton on cartridges.
  16. I've been shaving with a double edge razor using non-Gillette blades, a brush and soap for about a year and a half. A great shave for a lot less money (after the initial outlay.)
  17. Then the FBI should be involved, not Congress.
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