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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. The source as far as I can tell was a retweet of a Bleacher Report guy by Damond Talbot. Bleacher Report is not the most credible source, on the other hand, it's kind of a weird thing to pull out of thin air. Here is the original guy's Twitter account: https://twitter.com/ChrisTrapasso
  2. I think we will have another receiver on the roster within 2 weeks.
  3. My understanding is that in order to use that exemption he can't be placed on IR until September 4th. So he's done for this year. Never mind, just saw you fixed it.
  4. Well, your wildcat specialist and 4th qb are the same person, so it's one roster spot. thigpen will be gone in a few weeks.
  5. Never mind, I'm an idiot, I was confusing Powell with Potter
  6. IMO, Chan's interview makes it sound like he's trying to justify keeping Thigpen. Or just trying to be nice to a guy on death row? “Tyler had his hand hit twice for interceptions,” coach Chan Gailey said. “We can’t have that kind of penetration in there on those situations.” “Tyler played good,” Gailey said. “He made it tough. And it was all on the line. He did a good job. There’s some receivers that played well, and they are going to make it a really tough decision as well.” From today's Buffalo News. http://www.buffalonews.com/incoming/article1031716.ece
  7. But one note - using the online feature, only one user can be logged in / watching at a time.
  8. For the second year in a row I subscribed to Sunday ticket. I also have a slingbox, and receive a free subscription to Sunday Ticket online (not sure of the exact name.) So two friends can also watch from a computer, one through the Slingbox and one through the DirecTV / Sunday Ticket website.
  9. I think you're thinking of Ko Simpson. Ashton's just worth hundreds of thousands.
  10. I think I get it. We start with Fitz (5-2 in the first seven games last year) and then go to TJ in the second half (TJ finished 5-4.) 5-2 + 5-4 = 10-6. Playoffs. You heard it here first.
  11. Haven't seen any of him this preseason, but he was probably not great if he was part of early cuts. With that being said, he did seem to have a connection with Fitz before getting hurt. Maybe bring him in for a tryout after the first week (so we're not committed to his full salary when he does eventually get hurt)? And this isn't about having heard of him, it's about a guy who was productive when healthy (which admittedly was not very often.)
  12. I should have added a "IMO" there. With that said, here's my take on Lance. Disclaimer - This is all opinion. Based on what I've read, and regardless of whether they should be legal, I feel he did use them, and he then coerced others into lying to cover up for him. To me, everything that comes out of his mouth on the subject is propaganda meant to intimidate others into leaving him the !@#$ alone. He comes off as a total bully. I read yesterday that they had 10 former teammates ready to testify against him. How the !@#$ does that happen without him 1. being guilty and 2. being a dick. Even if he was only guilty (and not a dick) most of his teammates would probably be quiet. If he was a dick, and not guilty, you're not going to find 10 teammates to perjure themselves. Again, this is my opinion, based on what I've read - others can disagree, I don't really care. Steroids are prescribed everyday for recovery purposes. I got some injections a few weeks ago for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
  13. Is an athlete eating 8000 calories of protein a day "natural"? IMO at least the line is already very fuzzy.
  14. I've been an advocate of legalizing them for some time, but my rationale is slightly different. I fully admit that they're harmful to the health of users, but I also think that pro football players are already engaging in many behaviors that jeopardize their health (brain trauma, taking in massive amounts of calories, proteins and fats while training, etc....) To me it's only taking it one step further. I also think that if they were legalized they could be better regulated and athletes could take them under better medical supervision, hopefully minimizing the risks. I understand that this poses many legal and ethical questions around use in children (as well as many others) but I do believe it warrants serious debate. Also, regardless of my (or anyone else's) position on the steroid debate, Lance Armstrong is a POS who is finally getting what he deserves.
  15. What you said is that Buddy's draft record would take a hit. Which is bull ****, since he couldn't have drafted Kuechly, and also because by all accounts Gilmore is looking very good for a 1st year starter at CB. Is this Crayonz? Because I just got a peanut M&M stuck in my nose laughing. Were you listening to the dude's story? He agrees that the Bills had pegged Shep as the starter. He's taking issue with you saynig that the Bills had pegged him as a "Franchise" MLB, because generally use of the term "Franchise" implicates top 5 or at least top 10 at the position. I don't think anyone in the Bills organization was counting on him to be that.
  16. By him not having any QB pressures in 2 preseason games against backups / scrubs, he sent that message himself.
  17. And cutting him today vs. at final cutdowns has no impact on his pay this year or salary cap figure.
  18. It's mind boggling to me how many people seem puzzled at the coaches' gowing reviews of Merriman. A good coach doesn't care about providing correct information to fans (and other teams) through the media. A good coach uses the media as just another motivational tool. In doing so, it may often be to his benefit to include some information that's not true, or partially true.
  19. He is not worth any pick. He hasn't been able to stay healthy for years, and he looked mediocre at best against Mineesota's backups last week.
  20. I liked Terriers a bunch, I think that was also on the same network. It's worth noting that Terriers was not about a dog, or dogs.
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