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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. It's by the Isley Brothers. http://www.amazon.com/Shout-Parts-1-2/dp/B001O4N14S/
  2. How many 15 year olds have you been around? Because the ones I know seem like they're the new 12. Damn kids these days don;t know their ass from a hole in the ground.
  3. This is not a haiku. I wrote it a few years ago for a friend's site (I think the goal was to write about anything in less than 100 words.) Ten seconds remain in the half. Some dude named “Carney” from the new San Antonio Saints is about to kick off to my beloved Buffalo Bills. After driving down the field for a touchdown with their first possession, the Bills have looked pathetic, sluggish. I suspect foul play, possibly poison. I mean, it’s quite plausible that a deranged Saints fan slipped some of that Toxic Soup into our pre-game chowder, right? Terence McGee runs the kickoff eighty-five yards to the Saints three-yard line, where he runs into five Bills and falls on his ass.
  4. Ok, so I'm sure this won't work but maybe it's worth a try. Rather than open a new thread for every washed up player released by other teams, maybe we can collect them in one thread? I'll start with Bryant McKinnie. I've heard of him. Now it's your turn.
  5. Hey guys, I'm looking to join a league at the last minute, does anyone have any openings? Thanks! email me at brendankuntz@gmail.com
  6. FWIW - I was watching the Lions game yesterday, and and during the first or second Lions series, one of the announcers remarked that he didn't remember ever seeing a RB make a LB look as bad as Moats during a Lions run.
  7. Thanks, this is where I got my sig. Enjoy watching these with my dad each year.
  8. One difference here is that MJD is making a lot more than Peters did when he held out. (not sticking up for Peters here, just pointing out that MJD is currently playing undera 31 million $ contract.
  9. Not trying to piss on your breakfast sandwich, but what does it say about our previous years' draft picks that we were 6-10 last year. And now what does that say about this year's draft? But I am optimistic, because that's what Bills fans do.
  10. If both squads are offering practice squad it's the player's choice. At least that is my understanding.
  11. Just cause they only have 4 healthy on the roster doesn't mean it will be the same next Sunday. I'll bet that we add a CB (possibly one of the cuts) this week, most likely after we put Brooks on IR on Tuesday.
  12. Hm, things are getting interesting, it says here he's going to Miami.
  13. Mark Gaughan tweeted that it ooks like the Bills are planning on the following for the practice squad: WR Easley Aiken OL Asper DL Gilbert CB Green https://twitter.com/gggaughan Beat me to it.
  14. Clear your cache. It's not there anymore. My bad - I just refreshed mine and see it now.
  15. Traspasso is the only one reporting this, that's where the rumor (right now it is just a rumor) started.
  16. Cocaine is a helluva drug. And it probably explains the all caps all the time too.
  17. I'm not seeing anything on Brooks on Billsdaily.
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