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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. It's not about announcing my decision. It's about encouraging others who feel the same way to actually do something. Will it have an impact? Probably not. Will sitting on my ass and doing nothing have an impact? Definitely not. No need to comment in a thread that you don't seem to care about.
  2. People make it sound like I'm marching on Washington. It bothers me that the league is !@#$ing their players and fans, so I'm going to do something else with my time and let the league know why. If it doesn't bother you then swell.
  3. I've made a decision that I am not going to allow my life to revolve around a game, to the point where I cant miss a game, even when the league pisses in my face and tell me it's raining. If folks here want to criticize me for that go ahead, it's not going to bother me.
  4. Well then good luck investing your time in a league that doesn't give a !@#$ about you or it's players.
  5. The game last night was a disgrace. I think a boycott is in order. I will not watch NFL Network, and I am considering not watching the game on Sunday, although it will be very difficult. I just signed a petition on change.org, I'm looking for an email address for Roger Goodell, will post if I can find it. If last night's game made you angry, I recommend you let the league know at the very least.
  6. I think he's trying to say we'll be alright as long as we lose a couple of games against NFC teams. Man, crayonz is missed.
  7. Didn't he spend all training camp with NE? How much of the playbook does he remember?
  8. I believe he was. Inactives were: Kirk Morrison Tavaris Jackson Fred Jackson Kyle Moore Sam Young Colin Brown Ruvell Martin
  9. Did anyone see his Dracula fangs mouthguard? I think he and Dickerson could create some real matchup problems for NE this week if we're smart enough to use them.
  10. Did anyone notice that Kyle was much more effective prior to the two offsides penalties (although they were still double teaming him the entire game.) When he was able to guess the snap he was constantly in the backfield creating havoc. I expect next week at home (where the Pats shouldn't be able to do too much with the snap count) he will be in Brady's face all day.
  11. Not incorrect. He said players can be thrown out but regularly are not. How much contact have we seen with officials this season accidental and otherwise? And no ejections for touching an official. Edelman basically punched an official in the face last night accidentally while celebrating a first down (which awesomely was called back for offensive pass interference.)
  12. Well at least the Cowboys had to be expecting it. I would assume Dallas would have made it difficult on the Bucs d-line.
  13. In the case of the cribs fumble, the whistle was blown before a clear recovery, which is why it was not reviewable.
  14. If we're comparing the situation to average joes, let's say I made a mistake and broke some rules that caused someone to miss a week of work (we'll leave violence out of the question, since it's obviously not acceptable in most normal situations.) I would probably lose my job, I would be lucky to get off with a fine. It's impossible to really compare apples to apples, but my point is that the NFL wants to change the culture and make these kind of hits unacceptable, and fines are one of the few semi-effective methods they have available. (Now, if they really cared about player safety, they would bring the regular refs back in, but that's another conversation.)
  15. Pssst... they have other programming on, maybe he wanted to watch the pre-game coverage (which starts well before any other channels.)
  16. What does Jim Harbaugh have to do with anything? Also, that's a lot of exclamation points.
  17. I sent an email asking them to put together a Kyle Williams shirt. Maybe his face over some spaghetti? (Meat Ball.)
  18. Yeah, but you still can't challenge a penalty (e.g. pass interference, personal fouls, etc...) which have been the majority of missed calls.
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