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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Well, it can be mutually beneficial, if Byrd does end up traded these reporters end up looking like they had the inside scoop with really risking anything. That's the problem with journalists using Twitter. A tweet does not necessarily equal news.
  2. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl-columns/bills-take-wrong-tack-with-byrd-20130821 Translation: Ralph is cheap. I think Sully's just mad he had to come back from vacation.
  3. To me this reeks of Parker trying to drum up interest, without making Jairus out to be the bad guy. My suspicions are fueled by some fuzzy tweets from Tim G and Ed Werder yesterday, which seemed out of the norm.
  4. That and probably Decoration Day are probably good ones. That being said, if you don't want to hear depressing you should listen somewhere else. Riot Fest this weekend in Toronto - who's going?
  5. It's still against federal law, so not a slippery slope at all. Even if it wasn't, employers are able to set their own conditions outside of what is "legal". One example is dress code. Another, more similar example are drugs like HGH and Adderall. These drugs are legal with a Dr.s prescription, but they are still included in the banned substances list (even if you have a prescription.) BS - #1 it does not need to be legal for an employer to prohibit it's use, #2 it is still against federal law (although that's honestly not relevant - the fact that the NFL prohibits it is all that is needed.) Don't believe me? Try wearing a bathing suit to work tomorrow and see if you last through the day (unless you're a lifeguard. It's not illegal, so by your logic you should be able to wear whatever you want.
  6. Here's a breakdown from the Minnesota game: Special teams PENALTY on BUF-C.Hogan, Face Mask (15 Yards), 5 yards, enforced at BUF 11. Return credited for 0 yds PENALTY on BUF, Illegal Block Above the Waist, 5 yards, enforced at BUF 10. Return credited to BUF 10 (spot of foul). PENALTY on BUF-D.Ellis, Illegal Block Above the Waist, 10 yards, enforced at BUF 30. Offense PENALTY on BUF-S.Chandler, Offensive Holding, 10 yards, enforced at MIN 46 - No Play. PENALTY on BUF-C.Brown, Offensive Holding, 10 yards, enforced at MIN 16. PENALTY on BUF-M.Easley, Unsportsmanlike Conduct, 15 yards, enforced between downs. PENALTY on BUF-A.Caldwell, Offensive Holding, 10 yards, enforced at BUF 30 - No Play. PENALTY on BUF-S.Young, Offensive Holding, 10 yards, enforced at MIN 48 - No Play. PENALTY on BUF, Offensive 12 On-field, 5 yards, enforced at MIN 45 - No Play. Defense PENALTY on BUF-N.Robey, Defensive Pass Interference, 10 yards, enforced at MIN 38 - No Play. PENALTY on BUF-M.Lawson, Defensive Offside, 5 yards, enforced at BUF 41 - No Play. PENALTY on BUF-A.Branch, Neutral Zone Infraction, 5 yards, enforced at MIN 17 - No Play. PENALTY on BUF-N.Robey, Defensive Offside, 5 yards, enforced at MIN 20 - No Play. Penalty on BUF-J.Rolle, Defensive Holding, declined.
  7. Just to add to my OP, I think some of the penalties have been the kind of thing that can be forgiven, but things like taunting and personal foul calls need to be addressed and should not be happening frequently once we get into the regular season.
  8. http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast/post/_/id/63115/doug-marrone-frustrated-by-bills-penalties Is this cause for concern, or do you think we'll have it under control by week 1?
  9. I don't think there's really any debate in this case. That being said, the federal government isn't really enforcing the existing laws, so there's that. But to say it is 100% legal as some have said is just not correct.
  10. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/bills-darick-rogers-showing-only-flashes-of-potential-20130819
  11. Before last week's game WGR reported that there had been several instances where Rogers was not paying attention in practice and didn't know when we was supposed to be in the lineup. To me, that shows he is not ready to be a professional, and I have a hard time believing Marrone is going to cut him any slack based on talent, especially after reading about all of the players that left the Syracuse program in the first year after he took over. He wants guys who are totally committed, it's hard to be fully committed to anything when your head's up your ass. The player is a free agent, in the event we offered a contract at that point it's his choice (how we signed Brohm a few years back.)
  12. little early dude. wait, it's a lot early.
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