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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. He's technically eligible, but as a practical matter no one expects him to get in.
  2. I'm half expecting to hear how we're better off losing to Carolina since they're a non-conference team and it would help out in a tiebreaker scenario.
  3. What drive are you talking about? On our last "drive" (not counting the last possession where we ran 1 play) we punted on 4th and 6 from our own 24. The drive before there was still almost 11 minutes left and NE did not score on the ensuing possession. I think it's also worth noting that with the exception of 1 NE field goal, all of their scoring drives came when they had a short field (less than 50 yards to go.) That decision may be somewhat arguable, but it's arguable both ways, and NE did not score there. I will agree that the coaching left some room for improvement, but to blame the loss on bad coaching makes no sense to me.
  4. My argument for Tasker getting in has always been that they created a spot in the Pro Bowl for him. Now that that the Pro Bowl has taken out Kickoffs, I wonder if people (voters) will even remember that. I don't think he has a shot of getting in anyway, but aside from Andre I think he is the most deserving person on that list.
  5. Coaching decisions didn't prevent them from extending drives; penalties and dropped passes took care of that.
  6. To me it just seems like small potatoes compared to what's already out there. My question is, how does a friend or spouse open my phone while I'm driving. Hopefully there is still a backup password for use by someone other than the owner?
  7. I agree 100%. And while I agree with the OP that we could have won the game with better coaching, it still would have required player execution, which quite honestly was uneven yesterday. I'll also put forth that we also would have been likely to win the game with 1 or 2 of better plays (dropped passes) and 1 or 2 instances of not taking a dumb penalty. There were lots of opportunities for the players to win this game, and my feeling is that in general, you ask your coaches to give you an opportunity to win the game. Regardless of coaching, the players need to execute more consistently or this is not going to be a good year. Everyone keeps throwing this around and I don't understand it at all. The conservative thing to do would have been to try and run out the clock as much as possible and not focus on scoring more points, allow your defense to do it's job. He understood that Brady was likely to score regardless if handed the ball with two minutes left, and made a decision to go with the no huddle because he felt it gave them the best shot of scoring more points. Right or wrong, it's the opposite of conservative. The opposite. Ask yourself what Dick Jauron would have done. He would have tried to run out the clock, and handed the ball back to the Pats with 3 minutes left instead of 4.
  8. I generally don't really care one way or the other, but it does seem kind of screwed up that someone would drive 90 minutes in the opposite direction and spend 30$ on food and drink at a bar rather than drive 90 minutes and spend 40 bucks (especially if it's not sold out and you're not adverse to using Stubhub) to actually attend the game. To each his own. I wish I lived close enough to attend a few games every year. Would be blacked out at the bar as well.
  9. Section 7 Actions to Conserve Time ILLEGAL ACTS Article 1 A team is not permitted to conserve time inside of one minute of either half by committing any of the following acts: (a) a foul by either team that prevents the snap (i.e., false start, encroachment, etc.) (b) intentional grounding; © an illegal forward pass thrown from beyond the line of scrimmage; (d) throwing a backward pass out of bounds; (e) spiking or throwing the ball in the field of play after a down has ended, except after a touchdown; or (f) any other intentional foul that causes the clock to stop. Penalty: For Illegally Conserving Time: Loss of five yards unless a larger distance penalty is applicable. When actions referred to above are committed by the offensive team while time is in, officials will run 10 seconds off the game clock before permitting the ball to be put in play on the ready-for-play signal. The game clock will start on the ready-forplay signal. If the offensive team has timeouts remaining, it will have the option of using a timeout in lieu of a 10-second runoff, in which case the game clock will start on the snap after the timeout. The defense always has the option to decline the 10-second run
  10. Oh yeah, !@#$ buy a ticket. Unless you're on the no watch list. What'd you do to get on there?
  11. It's definitely always been a tendency for KW at home, and I've noticed a pretty big drop in effectiveness (usually) when he's away without the crowd advantage. It seemed like more of the line yesterday was using similar tactics, which is great at home. It will be interesting to see how they do in the first road game in NY. We should probably go to that, right?
  12. So instead of having 4 minutes, Brady would have had 2 1/2. So we wouldn't have had as much chance to use out timeouts at the end. Big deal.
  13. Had two plays called back on Chandler penalties. As a vet he should be setting an example there. Dorn? I'd piss on his contract.
  14. Seriously tho'. We scored 14 points on offense, one of them with a very short field. The offense also basically gave up a touchdown with the CJ fumble, and put our D in bad situations several times. Our D definitely showed reason for optimism, the more I think about it they were the only reason we were remotely in that game.
  15. Elmira / Corning is outside the blackout zone. Not always televised there, though, especially when the NJ teams are on. If the game is on Fox, Bath might get the Corning Fox feed, I think that's only a little over an hour from Rochester.
  16. He's an answer. Probably not the answer. Also, I know it's not what you meant (and it doesn't really count) but he did catch one from EJ in the first preseason game, and I was also hoping they could develop some chemistry together. Chandler sucked yesterday, but since I haven't watched every (or any) practice along with hours and hours of film, I'll defer to the coaching staff to make the right decision.
  17. Who is both? Anyway, Marrone did some dumb things (like challenging a fumble that we clearly did not recover) and the discipline of the team was terrible (way too many stupid penalites), but I think there was plenty of blame to go around.
  18. Did anyone else notice that on our first challenge it didn't look like we recovered the supposed fumble? So what was the point of the challenge?
  19. Against Cam that is my biggest concern. We looked terrible in the preseason against running QBs, and yesterday there were several instances of failed contain, which when compounded by missed tackles usually leads to a bad day on defense.
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