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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. See, that's what our coaching staff needs, some real creativity. I think we should totally run the end of the game lateral drill on EVERY kickoff and punt return.
  2. Freeman had almost zero trade value to begin with. It's revenge, pure and simple. Bricks are too heavy.
  3. I think O line (and Guard specifically) is the one place worth making a trade, not necessarily because we're going anywhere this year, but because protecting EJ better now should help him grow into a better QB in the future.
  4. I fully expect tonight's game to come down to mistakes and field position. Don't know that TJ is a guy I trust to play mistake free football doing something he hasn't done before.
  5. I was ready to cut him. Now I like him cause he's fat, he made some good blocks, and he plays for the Bills.
  6. If FJ and or CJ can't go Thursday it would be nice to see Frank the Tank get some carries, maybe he'll turn into our own Peyton Hillis.
  7. The NFL would have more to gain by having calls go against the Broncos to have them in more close games, especially on Sunday night. The league does not benefit from a blow out in a nationally televised game. There are aspects of the NFL which are shady. Regular game day officiating is not one of them.
  8. Just reinforces the notion that if you want a tough SOB of a son, give him a girl's name.
  9. I agree with the rest of your post, I don't think they were planning on punting, but they did need to make sure they ran out every second, or risk still turning the ball back over to the Ravens for one final play.
  10. It seems there is quite a bit else to say, judging from this thread.
  11. It seems like you've left, but in case you're still checking in here I would have two pieces of advice. 1. Be as honest as you can with everyone involved, including yourself. This doesn't mean giving your GF unnecessary details of what happened, it does mean letting her know that you work with the other woman. 2. If it is yours, be a father. When I made that commitment it made me a better and happier person. I believe it has the same effect on most people, although your situation certainly is beginning from a more difficult place than most.
  12. If he's not yet kneeling then a touch does no good (this isn't touch football.)
  13. I didn't think they were going to play "Poo River", but then, Bang! second encore.
  14. Well, not sure what else to say. I agree that the motion may have started, but I also think that if you exaggerate the kneel to last several extra seconds then you are fair game for a clean hit (again, I am not insinuating that this was a clean hit), especially when it happens three plays in a row. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
  15. IMO, the flag happens because there was a penalty on that play, not what happens on the previous plays. The penalty happens because the Ravens lost their cool after watching the BIlls try to stall for time on the previous two plays.
  16. Not sure when this thread became about PPP, but my 2 cents - I checked in over there when a thread I was interested in got moved from OTW to PPP. I was shocked at the kind of discussion which was apparently tolerated there and decided I'd rather not participate. I imagine that with the volume of posts over there, as well as the number of those posts which would require moderation, it's just not worth the time of our Moderators. This is, after all a football board. Rather than complain about PPP, I choose to talk about football here, and discuss politics elsewhere.
  17. There is no heat if he's not stalling trying to run extra clock. Traditionally kneel downs are not contested, but they are not also drawn out for extra time. If they are, the opposing defense has every right to try and tackle the ball carrier before he kneels.
  18. If the process of kneeling takes 5 seconds three plays in a row, your QB deserves a normal clean hit.
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