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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Is this a weekday? This reminds me of the "turnover ratio is unsustainable" argument from a few years back. The glass is half full and half empty.
  2. I noticed this on your pre-game thread too, and my feeling is that 1. if Lewis gets injured we are back to Jeff Tuel, and 2. Lewis already has a sprained foot, and the full extent of his injury is not really known to us. I'm going to give the coaching staff the benefit of the doubt here. With that being said, I think he can be a very effective weapon if used this way, and I hope we see some designed run (or at least option) plays next week against NO.
  3. I think a good coach understands that different players respond to different motivational tools. For some, a small prod through the media (and the examples you listed certainly seem to fall into the "minor" category) can really help to motivate. I think the keys to doing this successfully is 1. not saying anything in the media that you wouldn't (and haven't) said to the players' face and 2. to know which players are likely to benefit from this. I think time will tell whether he knows what he's doing with regards to player treatment, but keep in mind that a large chunk of the players at SU left within his first two years. I don't think he's looking to win any popularity contests by taking it easy on his players. He wants respect, not necessarily friendship (not to say the two are mutually exclusive.)
  4. On a related note, did anyone catch the Colts kicker lay out the returner in last night's game? It was right after the same returner had fumbled a return which led to a Colts' score.
  5. My guess would be that it wasn't reviewable because the play was blown dead. AT that point, it doesn't matter if he scores because the defense is supposed to hear the whistle and stop pursuit.
  6. Then he would be down, but this on its own does not constitute proof.
  7. I agree 100 %. I don't think this is even the minority opinion, but I do think people who disagree feel very strongly about it (like most good conspiracy theorists.)
  8. Steroids should be legal and handed out like candy.
  9. I was thinking of how hilarious it would be for them and Nirvana to get in with Hall and Oates.
  10. Wasn't that how Fring got him back into the game after he initially retired? He mentioned something about how your do it for your family, even if your family hates you for it.
  11. Man, this is making me hungry. Anybody know where to get a good beef on weck in NYC / NJ?
  12. Maybe Antoine McClain has shown something in practice?
  13. Smells like tuna fish in Miami all the time. Now add Buffalo dung. Beauty is within the eye of the beholder. Not limericks tho'.
  14. That's Carl Mauck face (probably exclaiming "Horseshit!") is exactly what I looked like when I saw 12-4 or 11-5 suggested. But I guess I salute the optimism?
  15. Whoa, what's up with those magic chinese noodles, how do they work?
  16. Hopkins is on IR, so if you get rid of Carpenter you have no kicker. Also, he has a history of being streaky, so it's very unlikely anyone is going to trade for him. But sure.
  17. This looks like it's from a different game judging from the lack of facial hair. Also, can someone please get Buddy Ryan and Kevin Gilbride in a closed room together?
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