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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. I had seen that the standard procedure for a cardiac event like Hamlin suffered is for him to be in the induced coma for at least 24 hours, so we may not get much in the way of updates today on his current condition.
  2. Regarding the ticket lottery, does anyone know when it would happen (not until after we win the championship game?) Do you get more weight / entries based on how long you've had season tickets, or is it pretty much spread evenly amongst all season ticket holders? I just booked a (refundable) room for the visit, and looking at flights it looks like I'd be able to spend about 15$ to hold a fare for 2 weeks, so will probably look into booking something there as it gets closer. That's all very pricey, but really the tickets are what pushes it into absurd territory.
  3. Is he their active backup? It's great that he was there to save these guys, but does anyone else find it weird he has the time / energy to be out on a Jetski during the season?
  4. Yeah - I'm trying to keep a positive attitude, but I also remember too clearly the feeling after the Houston playoff game (the last road game I attended.) https://photos.app.goo.gl/1QEx5B1PDmPkhTiA9
  5. I know Super Bowl ticket prices are absurd (like about 6000$ including fees, etc... for the absolute worst seats.) Add in flights and hotel and you're probably looking at at least $20000 for 2 people to go together. I'm looking at my finances, and although I could make it work, it just seems outrageous to spend that much money on a 2-3 day trip. On the other hand, it could be a once in a lifetime opportunity. So - if the Bills are in the Super Bowl, are you likely to be there?
  6. I've been trying to figure out who he reminds me of and finally figured it out
  7. It's hard to commit to as a gameplan because as soon as you're behind against a team like us it's over. Every team needs to be prepared to pass.
  8. I worked at the Inwood location around 2004-2005
  9. I used to work at a place called the Piper's Kilt, they had a location in the Bronx and another in Inwood, Manhattan, that also at one point was recognized as the best burger in NYC. They were pretty great.
  10. Think of these snow games like ankle weights, once we get into the playoffs it'll payoff I'm going to be in Iceland for this weekend's game and it's not enough time zones away to make it work
  11. This article was a great peek into what it was like to work with / play for him. https://theathletic.com/1138379/2019/08/15/what-the-is-going-on-right-now-inside-mike-leachs-qb-meetings/
  12. He seemed like he had a sense of humor, I feel like he'd be able to have a chuckle at it.
  13. Man, how'd you like to have Mike Leach's kidneys ... Since this seems to be rubbing people the wrong way, I just want to point out that I think it's great that he donated organs (I am signed up to donate my own) and this is not a dig at Leach, only a joke about his reputation as a prolific drinker of soda / cola.
  14. I blame Jerry Sullivan for pointing out that they have not looked like a Super Bowl winning offense
  15. I want to know what the hell is wrong with the other half of you
  16. Saying a little bit of precipitation and cold wasn't a big factor and that a lake effect snowstorm could be isn't contradicting
  17. ? Do you want a snowstorm on Saturday? I'm all for some cold weather, but I don't need snow slowing down our offense and evening the playing field.
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