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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Ridiculous standards like not getting arrested twice in under 30 days? I'm not suggesting we cut him, but c'mon hyperbole.
  2. Cutting him is not going to happen unless there are more "incidents". With that said, it's time to get serious about changing his behavior. I'm not sure the best way to get through to him. If I were Kyle or Mario Williams, I'd be trying to spend as much time with him as possible to keep him out of trouble, because without him the DL will not be the same.
  3. Depends on his point of view. He's made 12 million dollars so far in the league. Is he going to risk his future health for another million dollars?
  4. If I'm going to worry, it's going to be about the Bills. Other teams will find ways to beat us if we don't show real improvement.
  5. Was looking into Mike Rodak's report from earlier this week and he seemed to list our entire WR corps except Marcus Easley - is he still on the team? Don't expect much from him, but I was thinking he would be good to have around for ST at least.
  6. Of those starting guards, I would guess that ~50% of starters are in their rookie contracts making ~ 1 million a year. So it's not unreasonable money for a quality veteran backup.
  7. Guys, Buffalo is not getting a Super Bowl. It's out of the equation.
  8. I've been boycotting that dude for years. But can I still watch Young Guns 2? I love Lemmy, but, please take my word that you don't want him responsible for this franchise.
  9. I'd expect NYG, Bears or Steelers, but won't be shocked if the Bills end up on it. I'd look forward to watching it, even if it's a little bit of a risk / distraction.
  10. I don't understand what you're saying. First, you're saying it would cost nothing, then you acknowledge it is a risk. If you take a risk and it doesn't work out, there is a cost. That's why it's a risk.
  11. It could cost a lot. Stupid players doing saying stupid things can divide locker rooms. See Riley Cooper last year. Even if he is let go as soon as it happens, I would imagine there would be some players who would question the decision to have such a known risk around in the first place. When you're trying to a build a team, and supposedly focusing on character, you need to limit risks. The Bills have already taken on a few high risk / high reward type players, I imagine they feel that they have enough risk to manage.
  12. Being good at your job is important. Just as important is showing up every day, working with other people, and acting like a professional.
  13. For me it was the dumb penalties. As a team leader, he had more than his share, on a team that had more than its share. The dropped balls didn't help.
  14. We spent the weekend in the woods, and I really wanted to teach my 20 month old son to pee outside, but it occurred to me that I probably need to teach him to pee in a toilet first.
  15. Tickets for Public Urination were extremely common back when I was in College. As it relates to the Bills, I'm very surprised at the number of risks we seem to be taking with player character after getting rid of Stevie and the problems Marcell seems to be having. (Mike Williams and Seantel.)
  16. How about the Slaughtered Crackers?
  17. Take care SJ. I enjoyed watching you play, except for when you were shooting us in the foot. That part hurt.
  18. I'd love for us to take him in the 4th round or later. I expect him to be a long term quality starter in the league.
  19. seriously? wait, is anything in this thread expected to be considered seriously? Edit: I read this wrong, I thought it said IF They don't have deep enough pockets, neither does Bon Jovi My bad.
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