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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. This is not regular income, it would be taxed as Capital Gains, likely at 20% on whatever profit was made from the sale (sale price minus what was paid for the property.)
  2. When Forbes estimates someone's net worth, it includes their assets. 3.3 billion would have included this land.
  3. Presumably that net worth would have already included the property included in this sale, so it's worth clarifying that he is likely still worth ~3.3 billion.
  4. Right, standing for a tradition of racism is the only way this country will survive. Seneca is not derogatory. If you don't see the difference then you don't see the difference.
  5. I remember reading something suggesting they keep all the imagery, logo, etc... but change the name to the Americans. I liked the idea of that. http://boston.cbslocal.com/2014/05/30/a-simple-yet-strong-solution-to-washington-redskins-name-controversy/
  6. Oh, so it would have only cost his estate 15 Million. I won't call you an idiot. I will say that it's presumptuous and rude to question what another man decides to do with his estate. It is absurd to do so WHEN YOU DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT HAS DECIDED TO DO WITH HIS ESTATE. For all you know, the trust could have instructions to sell to buyers who will commit to keeping the team in Buffalo. Or they could have instructions to sell the team to the highest bidder in Tokyo. You're right that we wouldn't be having this conversation if RW had done things differently, but that was his decision to make, and IMO there's not much to be gained in arguing about it.
  7. I am going to get roasted for this, but what is the succession plan for TBD? SDS is not a young buck anymore. SDS has left that door ajar and that in itself is inexcusable, in my opinion.
  8. Cleveland did. I think it will be a lot harder to do this time around, since Cleveland was actually losing money. http://articles.baltimoresun.com/1995-12-24/news/1995358011_1_relocation-modell-browns
  9. Holy ****, Crayonz nailed it. They can't take the team out of town without NFL approval. They can't get NFL approval without first winning the court battle.
  10. The trust is not under the obligation to sell to the highest bidder. They will sell to who they feel is the best bidder (presumably taking into account total sale package and likelihood of NFL approval, and possibly likelihood of the team moving.)
  11. Good thing they don't need to choose between only those two.
  12. JW's point is that the NFL doesn't review it for approval until after any litigation is resolved. The timing is important, because new ownership will have broken the terms of lease by even broaching the subject of relocation, without any guarantee that the NFL would approve a move.
  13. The conversation on the radio was confirmed (I've posted it twice now.) Whether the actual meeting happened has not been confirmed, but it seems unlikely.
  14. He could have been referring to either the Schumer / Rogers conversation or the radio conversation, but in any case he asked for the audio clip.
  15. Here is a link to where they were discussing it. http://stationcaster.com/stations/wedg/media/mp3/PFT_s_Mike_Florio_w__Shredd___Ragan___-1402069224.mp3
  16. She also mentioned calling the cops, so if I were him I would have been recording to show exactly what took place.
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