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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. No, they have to be in the same market, not city. Hence the earlier discussions on Tops and Wegmans.
  3. Jesus, I can't even tell who is trolling anymore. This has gone too far.
  4. Yes. http://www.ncai.org/about-ncai I will say that energy can be and is spent on more than this one issue. This is the one that people are actively fighting against, so it becomes more visible.
  5. Seriously, the time & energy & money wasted defending this whole matter is mind boggling.
  6. The lease is worded so that it should go to court as soon as ownership considers moving. The court battle would be before the ownership vote for relocation. Hopefully with the news on Pegula, it is a moot point. http://nfl.si.com/2014/04/29/buffalo-bills-sale-relocation-lease/
  7. Let's say for argument's sake that only 40% find the term racist and offensive. Let's say there are "only" 1.2 million people in this country who associate the word with the attempted genocide that our government committed against their ancestors. Because they are not the majority, their opinion should be dismissed?
  8. I don't understand how Politically Correct gets thrown around like a goddamned radioactive potato. It's Politically Correct because it's correct. It's the right thing to do or say so as not to disrespect a group of people. Calling something / someone Politically Correct shouldn't be an insult. Jesus would have been Politically Correct.
  9. Yes, they do. A ten year poll of ~ 700 people isn't exactly convincing, but even if only 10% of the ~3 million Native Americans in this country find it offensive, that's 300,000 people. Based on this much more recent survey the percentage seems to be much higher (more than 60% see the term as racist.)
  10. Because a lot of people who they suggest they are honoring find it insulting.
  11. I think the easy road would be doing nothing. And the NCAI is not doing nothing. They are involved in a lot more than this one ad and issue. Does disrespect = ill will? Because I believe that by continuing to use the term they are disrespecting Native Americans. Your point seems clear - there are much bigger issues than the Redskins name. That's fine, I get your point. With that said, why not correct a problem so easily solved as the Redskins name.
  12. Maybe the land had been valued at 0 dollars. Didja ever think of that?
  13. Do you think it's reasonable to say that the NFL would not hold a vote on moving the team until after any legal challenges are resolved?
  14. Probably would also reject, but it's tempting. Also, why did I capitalize "Moves"? WTF.
  15. What about Choice C) Buffalo Bills win Super Bowl, after which the team Moves away?
  16. They have been asking for 30+ years, and you are correct that the Internet has helped give them (and everyone else) a voice. I don't understand how those things are somehow issues or problems. There are a lot of people who agree that using the term "Redskin" is insensitive and derogatory. We have the right to keep making noise indefinitely about the issue. That includes trying to gain the support of our elected officials. That's how this country is supposed to work. It seems like you're mad because they're not giving up, and attracting other people to their cause. It is my view that not giving up when you have strong convictions, and trying to get other people to see your point of view is a good thing.
  17. Ok, I'm with you. Wait, what? So if a change is important to me, I should ask those with the power to make the change (once), then let it go if they say no? Cool.
  18. It will be net gains, taxed as capital gains (not ordinary income) but with sums this large, I would assume he will have to make quarterly payments.
  19. Don't confuse intentions with results. Based on the way it's been used historically, there is a group of people who are totally justified in asking that the word not be used.
  20. Fair enough, I don't know the whole process. I was just stating that if 3.3 Billion was in fact his net worth before, it's probably no different now, barring a major change in the valuation of his assets (which could certainly come about from a sale of property such as this.) As others have mentioned, the Sabres are not a problem. If he owned a team in another NFL market it would be a problem. He would, however, need to sell his NFL Player Management company. http://espn.go.com/nhl/story/_/id/7325044/buffalo-sabres-owner-terry-pegula-buys-nfl-player-agent-company
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