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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. You're missing our point. We set high expectations for our journailsts, not to report personal stuff that does not belong in a newspaper, even though there may be some dudes out there who will plunk down a dollar to read about it.
  2. From now on (and until proven otherwise) Cyril Richardson goes by Jamie Nails Jr.
  3. Yeah, I don't care for him personally, but he made me a Bills fan right then.
  4. I understand what you're saying, but personally, spending 2 1/2 hours thinking, "holy ****, we're going to the super bowl" was pretty damn exciting. Also, the entire stadium was just completely electric, because 80,000 other people were thinking the exact same thing.
  5. Don't know about this, but JH definitely punched Kelly in the face during an interview after JK retired and was working for one of the TV networks.
  6. My two favorites are below, these were my first two Bills games. 1988 9-6 vs. Jets to clinch the Division. I was 8 years old and it was my first game. 9-6 doesn't sound that exciting, but a blocked kick to save the game and the goalposts coming down made me a Bills fan. 1990 51-3 vs the Raiders. Complete blowout, and overall euphoria. My dad and I spent the entire 4 hour drive back talking about how sure we were that we were going to win the Super Bowl. I think the Giants had already won the NFC, and my Dad was saying he wished the 49ers would have won so people wouldn't question the legitimacy of our pending win in the Super Bowl. D'oh.
  7. right, it also takes someone dumb enough to smoke that marijuana and then drive.
  8. That's not all going to fit in the box. I'll mark down flip flop / foot related illness
  9. Hey, maybe everybody should take a wild guess and we can have a box pool to determine the winner.
  10. Someone mentioned they are co-owners of a team in the AFL.
  11. Everyone knows the real threat is Jan Michael Vincent.
  12. They in all likelihood don't know. In any case, rumors aren't going to jeopardize his season.
  13. Morally or legally? Translation: I demand the Bills break the law, as well as any confidence / trust players have in the organization.
  14. I mentioned in my post that it's fine for us to speculate, however, the people who are disregarding HIPAA are the ones who are complaining that the knowledge isn't being made public. They're not breaking the law, but there are people saying it shouldn't apply simply because he's a public figure, which is a stupid case to make. I do think it's bull **** if someone with actual knowledge of the injury (unless it is Glenn himself, which is highly unlikely) would post it here.
  15. 1. Regardless of technicalities of HIPAA, it should be Glenn's decision to make this public or not. 2. We can speculate here, but if these rumors are founded, they're likely either originating from healthcare workers, someone within the BIlls organization, or some "friends" or family. The first two would be in violation of HIPAA, the third would just be a scumbag.
  16. I fully agree. It would be a jerk move to make up some **** about why he is out, it would be a much bigger jerk move to disclose a real private health issue.
  17. The law that makes a disparaging name "untrademarkable" was passed in 1946. The earlier ruling was a result of a challenge in court, which is presumably the only way that a trademark would be reviewed.
  18. I voted idiot just for starting this thread.
  19. You can say it's a sloppy law, that it requires some judgement to be made, but the fact is, it is a law that has been in effect for almost 70 years and in this case it seems to have been applied correctly. And you can complain that it has not been consistently enforced, but you should be able to provide some examples where a reasonable complaint was made and a trademark was not overturned. That's how these laws are policed, based on actual reasonable complaints - so lay off the examples where there has been no complaint / judgement.
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