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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. The "leaks" have been printed in public newspapers. Are you saying that the letters from Trump's lawyer and Bon Jovi don't exist, or that they don't go against the terms of the NDA?
  2. I was a little disappointed Lofton wasn't in on some of the pics. Seems like he's not really considered part of the "Core". Lofton playing on the other side for a few years definitely helped Andre get in, IMO.
  3. TV revenue is shared, so I don't think that's relevant.
  4. It's hard for me to fathom that franchises will continue to rise in value as they have done in the last 20 years, but it's also an area of the economy that is extremely hard to predict. As the richest people continue to get richer, there will be people who will spend billions on a team, with very little (relative) return. At the same time, I think there is going to be a point where people (overall) decide to spend less on professional sports as entertainment. In general, huge investments (e.g. 1.3 billion dollars) would be much less likely to increase exponentially than smaller investments. There's only so much room to grow. The 100x increase you mentioned would bring the Buffalo Bills worth to 130 Billion dollars. That's Dr. Evil money.
  5. So if the new owner spends a billion dollars, it's a 2% return. It will likely be more than a billion dollars (especially any owner's contribution to a new stadium are included), but presumably the income should also rise with the next TV contract, and the team itself is also likely to continue rising in value.
  6. I don't think that was suggested by anyone here, including the OP.
  7. This is getting turned into a who farted poster, we'll need to make room in the space.
  8. By the time it's time to make a decision on Glenn, a new owner will be firmly in place. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on how these types of decisions were made in the past.
  9. I'm not sure I agree that he was even the best Bills NT. They played in different eras, but I would say Smerlas was at least as dominant in his era.
  10. Did anyone see this today? http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-videos/0ap2000000373309/Kelly-opens-up-about-his-battle-with-cancer
  11. It's a kids book. I loved it growing up, and still have some fondness for it. I read it to my family last year and enjoyed it again, but I'm not sure how much was nostaliga. I remember the Trilogy being overly complex, too often to the detriment of the story.
  12. Both of these links were available in the other thread, one states that we don't know about the status of Toronto, the other suggests that they may not have the financial wherewithal to compete with Pegula. No ****.
  13. I can't tell what's worse, the Ins, or the constant repeat threads. It must suck to be a mod this time of year.
  14. I am so disappointed Vigo isn't here.
  15. This sucks, but I don't think the suspension is wrong. Dude got caught with pot in his car and got one game. Don't get caught with pot, dude. As for everyone arguing that other suspensions (and non-suspensions) don't seem to fit the crime, I tend to agree. It seems Lynch should have missed 6-8 games by now with all the stuff he's pulled, and Rice definitely should have missed more time. If there is any truth at all to the idea that superstars get preferential treatment (e.g. Rice and Lynch) hopefully we might benefit from that when it comes to judgment time for MD.
  16. They're not accepting one bid at this time, at this time, they're going to sort out the serious suitors from the bids that don't have any chance.
  17. Yeah, if he's worth keeping, you cut one of the 20+ guys you already know don't have a shot, and wait until he doesn't have to pass through waivers.
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