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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. It's weird that I don't mind when someone seriously posts a thread that (rightfully) turns into a joke. But it bugs me when people intentionally start a joke thread. The unintentional ones are enough IMO.
  2. Don't tell me how you feel. You just cancelled yourself out.
  3. I'm offended that Jauronimo is offended that xsoldier54 is offended.
  4. I believe that a professional athlete would not wear a visor if it limited his vision on the field.
  5. Forces at work... sounds ominous. Might make a good movie. As far as staying on top of this, what do you propose, specifically? How do we rise up against these dark forces?
  6. If I could change one thing about EJ it would be for him to break the record for most super bowls won by a QB.
  7. Seriously, if you could change 1 thing you would go with the visor? Seriously?
  8. It means picking up the guy most likely to get the workload if your guy goes down, so that if CJ is hurt, you're not screwed.
  9. Seems to me that there probably was some pressure on Regier to make a splash in free agency. When we couldn't draw the top tier FAs, he may have felt pressure to go out and sign somebody. To me, the only question is, what lesson(s) did Pegula learn? He doesn't seem to me like the kind of guy who makes the same mistake twice.
  10. Let me start by saying that I love FJ, and what he brings to the team. With that said, I have no problem with Brown overtaking FJ (or CJ) if he shows it this year. With that said, I think it's too early to make that determination right now. Brown will get chances, and if he takes advantage and shows more than the other backs I fully expect he'll be moved up.
  11. Ryan FItzpatrick will **** in his boot and make you eat it.
  12. Understood, but were they guys that are expected to make the team outside of special teams?
  13. Graham had more receptions and yards, but had 1 fewer TD, and his reception % on targets was low. He's a drive killer, and I just don't see where he has a spot on this team. There were one or two games where other teams basically stopped covering him 'cause they knew he wouldn't make the catch. That doesn't show in stats, but it has a huge impact on the game. When Goodwin was out there last year, he was drawing coverage. Teams respect his speed and he showed he could not only get behind the DB, but make the catch.
  14. I wasn't paying much attention to personnel during ST play, did it seem like we had guys out there who should actually make the team?
  15. I was pissed that last year Seattle had a lot of success by basically just interfering on every single play. I'd rather they enforce the rules consistently (meaning if they hold on every play, the refs should call it everytime they see it) if they're going to have them.
  16. Can't believe there is any thought of keeping Graham over Goodwin. If Goodwin is healthy for 6 games he'd give us more than 16 games of TJ.
  17. The NBC link was for the hall of fame game. This week's game is not streaming for free, but will be on NFL Network at 3AM.
  18. I'm sure they don't care if you think they are clownish if it nets them a few extra million.
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