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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. I guess that whale could be wearing a diaper.
  2. Now that we're more than halfway through preseason, I wanted to gauge the expectation of the board for week 1, and the season. It seems like the board has been a bit all over the place after each preseason game, so just wanted to get a more measured reaction of how you think we'll do once it counts.
  3. Speculation + lack of reading comprehension by an audience does not = bad reporting.
  4. bull ****. Graham reported that Kelly met with JBJ. That's what he reported. Assuming it happened, it's not misleading.
  5. Landon Cohen will make you **** in your boot and eat it.
  6. If it's true (which it seems to be) is it a smear? If Kelly did meet with JBJ, he could have just released a statement saying "we met with the JBJ group to see how committed they were to keeping the team here." He's reporting news. If there are still open questions, it's completely ok for him to report the news he knows, and leave the questions open. That people speculate and see it how they want to see should not be blamed on the reporter.
  7. JBJ must be desperate if they'e considering JK's supposed wishlist. 20 Million dollars stake in the team just for using his name basically, not to mention all of the other stuff he's looking for.
  8. Maybe they come from an ocean planet and prefer it underwater. Did you ever think of that?
  9. I think Hogan and Easley make the team, but IMO Hogan is a lock, whereas Easley's spot is up for grabs.
  10. reminds me of fitzpatrick's decent run and the contract that followed. there are guys with real limitations who can thrive for half a season or so until defenses figure out how to shut them down.
  11. Pretty sure it's not a new rule, just an emphasis on enforcing the existing rules. I'm glad they're doing, it was obvious that Seattle was gaming the system last year.
  12. Wasn't Landon Cohen the guy who wrote Garfield? http://www.vulture.com/2010/07/bill_murray_only_did_garfield.html
  13. Bringing in another QB isn't going to happen at this point barring injury or (very) gross incompetence.
  14. There is no restriction on watching from TV and online at the same time, however, you can only watch on one online device at a time.
  15. Where was that reported? Most likely whatever you read was written by someone who misunderstood the process.
  16. Can we please let it go and get the thread back on track?
  17. So far Brian Cox is pretty entertaining. I know I'm supposed to hate him, but I have a feeling if he were a Bill he would have been really loved here.
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