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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Booooooooooooooooo (That's for Bon Jovi, I'll wait until the regular season to start booing Doug Whaley.)
  2. This game has been an ice bucket right on the old gnards.
  3. I didn't have any luck finding the rules, but I think in order to get him right to IR they would have had to keep him on the 53 man roster into the first game, then afterwards they could put him directly on IR. It's similar to what happened with the 6th round rookie the Patriots claimed after being Injured / Waived a few weeks ago.
  4. I would be absolutely shocked if any team is willing to give up any draft pick for Graham. I can think of very few teams where he would be an improvement.
  5. Too bad he's not better at it, I would buy Jeff "Duel" Tuel dueling gloves.
  6. And he would have gotten away with it too, if wasn't for those darn Redskins.
  7. I think that basically is what the article is saying. Donate money based on your values / feelings research, not necessarily a fad like this. My feeling is something that gets people to donate money to charity is mostly good, regardless of how many old coots it brings out of the woodwork.
  8. Has anyone been challenged to a duel yet? Cause otherwise this is 4 pages of horse ****.
  9. What part of get off my lawn don't you understand, whippersnapper?
  10. If we keep going the same direction, eventually the league will change course and we will be way ahead of everyone.
  11. Sure, which means the extra millions of dollars were a complete waste. Now get off my lawn.
  12. I think you're looking for the Pornography Addiction thread.
  13. Right, that and the roughly 800% increase in donations over the same period last year.
  14. I should have titled this thread get off my lawn.
  15. Good point. Tarvaris Jackson didn't work out. I think we had Thad Lewis for about 6 weeks before he started, and that was really by necessity.
  16. A couple thoughts: 1. IMO Hogan has more upside, where Ponder has pretty much shown what he is. Hogan is really in his 3rd season of serious football (including college) and might just be turning the edge, I could see Hogan turning into a top tier possession receive this year (or he could flame out against real game day competition which is just as or more likely.) Ponder would be a decent backup, which we need. The trade probably could from a value and need argument, especially if Ponder is #3 for Minnesota. 2. It's just my opinion, but I think the Bills are wary of brining in any QB who might be considered a threat or create a QB controversy. I think it's a mistake given EJ's injuries last year, but it seems to me that they would have brought someone else in over the offseason otherwise.
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