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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. Yeah, that's weird. What "league source" knows this, and how? Maybe he admitted to taking the MDMA (which would not have resulted in a suspension if it was his first offense) and was trying to argue that he shouldn't be punished for the amphetamines which he didn't know about?
  2. http://worldtruth.tv/1954-photos-show-stonehenge-being-built/
  3. Company Line Towing Company seems like a missed opportunity
  4. Yeah, but he's looking for support by a teammate discussing a game, while standing on one foot, patting his head and rubbing his belly.
  5. Yes, you're calling it very, very, very early. And I'm sure you won't mind reminding us if he does happen to win a Super Bowl.
  6. No it suggested that you already started the why didn't we draft Carr thread. This is the why didn't we draft Carr thread.
  7. What is your intent behind asking what most so far have considered to be an extremely loaded question? Again, under what circumstance would you expect someone to voice this support? If you think someone should have voiced support, wouldn't it also be weird that no one has come out in support of other players who have not played well in the last two preseason games? (Spiller, Chandler, O-line, etc....) And finally, what do those other 4 QBs have to do with EJ?
  8. Who has said that EJ is an established starter? Can you find literally one quote from anyone within the team (or anywhere else) that says that? The coaches and front office on this team know that EJ needs to prove himself this year. There is a straw man argument that is being brought up over and over here, which seems to suggest that there are people who think EJ is a proven starter. If those people are out there I don't know who they are. If you can find them, feel free to tell them I said they were insane. More insane than someone who thinks it's troubling that a dude that started 10 games last year as a rookie isn't a captain this year.
  9. I posted the list of captains from 2013 on the last page. Guessing not all captains for 2014 have been announce yet.
  10. Right, and EJ has proven a lot less than RW had at that point. No one here would debate that, so what's your point?
  11. Jesus, can't you take the fun out of some other thread?
  12. Make sure you understand the scoring rules and draft accordingly. Biggest potential variations are in how many of each position you can start each week, and also if it's a PPR (point per reception) league. If it is a PPR league, players will get some points for # of receptions, whereas non-ppr leagues just count yardage and actual scoring.
  13. Kyle Orton's not wearing a visor is tearing this team apart.
  14. Today FJ was accused of toting the company line, so there's that.
  15. If ifs and buts were candy and nuts dude. I think he's trying to say we're gonna start offshoring our QB work. That, or third prize is you're fired.
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