One thing that stood out to me was how often we had in an extra lineman, and how often we ran right into his ass on those plays. In previous games, we were able to wear down the opponent last night that way (San Francisco especially comes to mind.)
Last night it just felt like we were shooting ourselves in the foot by letting Baltimore know what we were going to do. If we are going to keep going with the extra lineman so often next week, I hope Brady can get a little more creative with it and bring in more pass plays and other wrinkles. Last night I think we did pass out of it 1 or two times and there was also a nice counter run which caught Baltimore off guard.
In general I think if we can use more traditional sets (or 3 or 4WR sets also) it's going to keep the defense a little more honest and can still open up the run game a little more.
Aside from this, the tendency to run on 2nd and short EVERY TIME drives me absolutely nuts. Josh loves his deep shots - THIS IS THE TIME TO TAKE SOME (or just throw over the middle sometime.) If I know what play we're going to call based on a certain down and distance, then I'm sure the opponent does too. Maybe Brady is just playing the long game and will finally take advantage and break tendencies this week, but I'm not very optimistic.