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Everything posted by Johnny

  1. hope it doesnt become as infamous as the K gun is famous
  2. lol......youre seriously going to make a case for non blacks kzoo was just saying it's obvious to everyone so why make a big deal cause the guy said his school doesnt have enough black athletes to compete with the ones that do
  3. we? tough guy
  4. how bout some free showtime?
  5. its my understanding that vermeil cut him loose to do what he wanted with the offense as long as he was meeting dickies criteria of a certain number of touches for faulk and run to pass plays youre right he did take a team built by vermeil and tore it down......but he is somewhat of an offensive "genius" the "mad" part has to be controlled
  6. 4 under his belt and shift gears......if he gets 5 more that still isnt the equivalent to 7 in a row i have my doubts he plays in the chiefs game win or lose next week.....if you pull him out at 1-3 why put him back in at 3-5? you still have the same winning percentage and 8-8 or 9-7 might be good enough.... ...sure people would be excited and then KH would know he's reached the pinnacle of his carreer, while the young qb with credentials knows its just the beginning
  7. i dont think they have overreacted when he was pulled out of the saints game with a full quarter to go down by less than a td and a pat.........only his second road start.........bring in a guy cold off the bench for the last 2 drives more than likely... 3 if things go quick?......................jp started that game off with a nice drive let him finish the game ........by finishing he either loses and gets game on the line 4th quarter experience, wins and gets a huge shot in the arm and a 2-2 record, or comes close............. dont know if you saw the giants game last week but if you did you might have noticed the reaction of Eli pulling the game out.........his brother would have just walked off the field, but it was Eli's first last second touchdown pass and could elevate his game further the position of qb is confidence take your training camp and the preseason and shift to reverse....if jp comes out looking better in the chiefs game it will be to his credit
  8. i posted a couple weeks ago that i thought coaching is a bit overrated. i think people do like to back fit reasons for losing and coaching usually gets hit first. Mularkey could have coached the broncos to a superbowl win also, as long as he was smart enough to give it to terrel davis at the goal line. i'm trying to say these guys get paid lots of money to do something we probaly couldnt do and it's easy to throw some blame or back fit the losing to a reason.....that being said the gm is the start to winning....he gives coaches players that can win and the coach has to put them in a position to win........this team doesnt have the personnel to win yet but i dont think i'm smart enough to know if it's donahoes fault or not that it doesnt yet, cause it was a mess when he took over what is easily seen by the average fan though is that they committed a whole lot of time and money to jp losman and if they dont do what it takes to find out what this guy has then something definitely is wrong
  9. i can see the colts but we'll see how it plays out........Chargers, i dont see it....... people on this board talk about weak scheduling all the time, i'm not that sold on weak schedules, but as far as scheduling goes i am sold on this.......the difference in the chargers schedule this year puts them n eastern cities 4 times against some tough cookies.....yeah they passed the new england test early with injuries mounting....give bill a chance to piece something together............but they found a way to lose to philly after having been dominated in the first half and coming back and they still travel to indianapolis and washington........the jets is another but that game doesnt look as tough these days, but still east coast........thats 9am sdg time............at the beginning of the year i didnt think they'd win 8 games...i might be wrong...........but i still think they have a great shot at missing the playoffs
  10. then when we win a game against no matter whom, we are all gonna get excited
  11. i didnt post that
  12. damn registering
  13. on a related note.......i think right now Pittsburgh is THE best team in the NFL bar none
  14. he probably thinks it's the 6th in new york guess that one slipped threw the speak and spell
  15. very true...but to circle a game on the schedule in blood you have to be somewhat talented......that'll come hopefully
  16. i'd give my write arm to be able to spell with my left so as to be amberdexterious
  17. i know we are grown kids but i mean youngsters some of this stuff should get a rating
  18. mm is gonna have the raiders circled in blood next time, so bet against the bills the week before then dump it all on the bills the weekend after that game..the one against the raiders
  19. if losman is in this leauge as long as holcomb you ought to be eating crow for at least that long......he almost already has caught holcombs capability
  20. which article does he say that in? please
  21. you think that can is large...check out the left tackle
  22. name some
  23. you didnt spell it right
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