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Bills fan since 87

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Everything posted by Bills fan since 87

  1. I think they're great. Don't always agree but listen every morning. Glad to have em.
  2. Classic. And one where a late game missed kick went went our way. As good a game as I've ever seen.
  3. The Bengals may have something to say about that worst offense thing. Daltons is mess
  4. Thank God NFL Sundays are back
  5. Actually 41. Didn't start getting into sports teams until I was like 11. Originally from the Adirondacks but live in Rochester now...That 87 team in the strike season is the one that caught my eye. The run in 88 made me a fan.. And Ronnies drop broke my heart, cementing my love for this team until the end.
  6. Well its the Eve of my thirtieth season as a Buffalo Bills fan. The outlook is bleak this year as the Bills are poised to extend their playoff drought to a baffling 18 years. It has been a rough go but I remember other times. I remember the goal posts being torn down when they won the division in 88. And I remember the loss to Icky Woods and the Bengals in the AFC championship game the same season. I remember the Bickering Bills and the drop by Ronnie Harmon to lose to Cleveland in the 89 playoffs. I remember 51-3, 10-7, 29-10, 30-13 and the absolute euphoria I felt after each one of those wins. I choose not to remember the games that came after them. I remember the greatest comeback in NFL history and I remember Frank Wychek throwing the ball forward. I remember all the big games with Miami we had, and winning most of them. I remember finding a way to watch my beloved Bills in Alaska, Seattle and Peru. I remember (most of) the 29 straight home games I attended. I remember Thurman Thomas, James Loften and Eric Moulds. I remember Shane Conlan, Bryce Paup and Cornelius Bennett. I remember San Francisco fans becoming St louis fans and then becoming Tampa Bay fans and back to San Francisco. I remember when there were NO Patriot fans. 30 years and a lot of down times but I remember the good as well as the bad and I consider myself to be a true loyal fan to the team I love. I couldnt be luckier that back in 87 I chose the Bills because everyone else liked the Jets, Giants, 49ers or Bears. So while the upcoming season may look glum I raise my glass as I always have and always will and say Lets Go Buffalo!
  7. I like fun!!! I like fun!!
  8. My Wednesday night Madden play through says 17-12 Bills.
  9. Yep. Bills football is back. For better or worse; and i'm thrilled
  10. Eric Moulds (fringe, he was awesome and a star I believe) Darick Holmes Bryce Paup Take Spikes
  11. Right? Isn't this the exact opposite of a marketing splash?
  12. First I saw this though a friend told me about it yesterday. Pretty cool move but the way it was talked up I expected more; even if he got the kick off and it went 15-20 yards I'd have been really impressed. As is he saved what, 6 or 7 yards?
  13. Seriously? McDermott You and your team are looking foolish. LINE UP RIGHT
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