That was the hardest part last off season. I was a proud season ticket holder. Had been to (a modest by soem standards) 39 straight home games, something I was very proud of. I was sure as the next season rolled around I'd feel depressed that I no longer had season tickets. However that was not the case. I still will have attended 3, maybe 4 games this season which is enough to get me my fill. My crew still meets up, but rather now at each others houses or bars for the games. The hardest part of being a season ticket holder is not being up at 6 am or the late season depressing games but when they are on back to back..and back weekends. The days are so long and take a lot out of me, even only being an hour down the road. I no longer have the comradery of MY section (331, row 26, seat 2) which I do miss. But on the flip side I do like picking different spots in the stadium to experience each individual game.