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Bills fan since 87

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Everything posted by Bills fan since 87

  1. They all make me tear up too man. And I can't stop watching them.
  2. What better way to celebrate the end of this agonizing drought than on new years?! C'mon football gods, we deserve this!
  3. There is a chance of that. Think both Baltimore and Tenn need to lose
  4. A TD before the half would be GOLD
  5. Well. We do seem to be tackling now
  6. So I was fortunate enough to attend the snow bowl. It was an amazing day ill never forget. Among my best in the house Bills memories. I did dvr the game and have watched it back. Fantastic visually. I'd love to attain a DVD of the game. A few years back I wanted dvds of a couple Syracuse basketball games and by inquiring on a Cuse message baord someone with those skills was able to help me out. If anyone has a copy of the game I would be willing to compensate. Please pm me. As i said earlier it was a special day for me, and I've been to a lot of Bills games. I'd love to have this keepsake to remember that day by.
  7. I'll never forget that game, it was surreal in there. What a day
  8. Started a post the other day wondering about attendance. All i can say to my fellow Bills fans that were there today. I'll never forget it. Wow. Absolutely surreal.
  9. Bring one of those bowl shaped fire pits, like 30 bucks at depot. Much more portable
  10. That was the hardest part last off season. I was a proud season ticket holder. Had been to (a modest by soem standards) 39 straight home games, something I was very proud of. I was sure as the next season rolled around I'd feel depressed that I no longer had season tickets. However that was not the case. I still will have attended 3, maybe 4 games this season which is enough to get me my fill. My crew still meets up, but rather now at each others houses or bars for the games. The hardest part of being a season ticket holder is not being up at 6 am or the late season depressing games but when they are on back to back..and back weekends. The days are so long and take a lot out of me, even only being an hour down the road. I no longer have the comradery of MY section (331, row 26, seat 2) which I do miss. But on the flip side I do like picking different spots in the stadium to experience each individual game.
  11. Giving them away for Miami too?
  12. I was 11 in 1987 when I noticed the Bills and the NFL, in 1988 I fell in love with the Bills. So when my family was planning a trip to visit our cousins in the Boston area in 1989 I hounded my dad to plan the trip around a time when the Bills played the Patriots (at this point I was living in the Adirondacks, 4 1/2 hours from Rich stadium.) He obliged. SO my first football game was at the old foxboro during the bickering Bills season. Buffalo was 7-3 and the Patriots were 3-7. I remember being surprised by how many Bills fans were there and even felt a little sorry for the young pats fan and his dad sitting in front of me when the Bills raced out to a 24-7 lead.....They would lose the game 33-24. I was miserable the rest of the trip. Fortunately we made the playoffs that season and then would go on to the next four Super Bowls after that. I never went back to Foxboro but we would start taking bus trips out to Buffalo all through the 90's. The first time I stepped into Rich Stadium I was in awe.
  13. My buddy who is driving for this one wanted out, citing the weather. Won't let him off the hook though as I had to drive out for the Tampa game. Attendance is way down in all sports. I doubt this has to do with the NFL players kneeling.
  14. Got tickets for this one back in August on Stub Hub for $19. Thought I gotta pretty sweet deal. This week I see they're as low as $6! That's preseason pricing. What do you think will be the actual in house attendance Sunday? 40-45k. This was my first year without seasons in quite some time. I must say I do not miss being locked into these meaningless (or close to) December games anymore. With that said I still look forward to Sunday even if it's a preseason environment.
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