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Bills fan since 87

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Everything posted by Bills fan since 87

  1. Seems it should be easy enough. But I know apps fail and phones have issues. If you used stub hub can you just screen shot their image or is it more complicated than that now?
  2. Khols surprisingly good sometimes....otherwise fanatics.com
  3. This is awesome, thanks for sharing. I love this kinda stuff.
  4. Hammers is my home lot. Cant imagine a Bills game without it. But this one time I might be doing something different...
  5. Yeah, I like the idea of checking out the different view points around the stadium during the game. I figure i can do just this one Bills game without at tailgate as all 80+ others were with a tailgate. Congrats on the 101 and counting. When my streak of 42 came to an end it was kind of sad, keep it rolling. Go Bills! C. 8 months with no Bills football. Which we'd be on the cusp of at that point...Even if we have 4 wins I'd still watch the Bills on TV anyway. Figure this might be a good chance to experience something new at a bargain price. I've never not tailgated so it should be interesting to roam about.
  6. Good stuff here, thanks for the responses. Kinda charged up to experience a solo game. Definitely going to be a unique and new experience.
  7. I should lead off by saying I am a former season ticket holder. I've probably been to about 80 Bills games over the years, 32 straight at one time. I will be going to the Titans game this year with some coworkers and the Bears game with my former season ticket crew. This is hardly a situation where this will be my one shot to see the Bills because I am passing through town. I was considering going to either the Jets or Lions December games this year but no one else wants in. If the season goes the way we think it might I can probably score a ticket to either game for $10-15 (paid $12 for the snow bowl last year). Despite no one else wanting to go to either game I think I still might. I imagine it will be a far different experience than I'm used to. Usually the grills are fired up and beers cracked in Hammer lot around 8:15 AM every Sunday I'm at a Bills game. But solo? I wont be tailgating with my people. I could see myself parking at one of the cheap house lots down the road and walking around all the lots to take in the experience of other tailgates. Maybe get some good pictures of Buffalo doing what Buffalo does best. As far as the game goes I have no problem sitting next to strangers and cheering on the Bills because really we're all family in the stadium. Just a thought but I think it might be a different/good experience. Anyone else ever done a game solo? Any pointers for someone who hasn't?
  8. Right. I guess I thought StubHub would still be sending a digital ticket that I could show from my phone. At least that's the way they make it sound as I am about to purchase Bills/Titans tickets.
  9. I'm confused. If you buy the tickets on StubHub why would you need the ticket master app? Wont you just be able to use/screen shot the tickets that StubHub sends you?
  10. Yeah, Jeffries was a punk. Always trash talking, easily the most hated guy for me on those teams. Never could hate Moon, he was class.
  11. It's true. Everybody remembers their collapse in the comeback game but the year prior they choked away a 24-6 lead against the Broncos in the playoffs as well. Before there was a 2pt conversion.
  12. I miss the old school 80s and early 90s announcers.
  13. Ugh, had forgotten about that 10-5 loss. The first of many head scratching regular season losses during those glory years (including a 33-24 loss in New England the following season, my first Bills game in person). Of course they all were eclipsed by some awesome wins.
  14. I was still living in the Adirondacks then and we didn't have cable tv yet so we got the 3 channels via antenna. The reception that day was shaky and I had to watch this game going in and out of color with occasional lines on the screen. I was so annoyed. Especially because the Bengals/Seahwaks and Fog bowl playoff games came in great the day prior. Once we sealed it and won the game I remember them putting the afc championship graphic on the screen with the Bills/Bengals helmets and thinking we were going to the Superbowl because we couldn't possibly lose to Cincinnati for a second time that season.....well.....Anyway I had forgotten this game was on new years day, at that age new years wasn't such a big deal I guess.....Another note. The Oilers/Browns wild card game the week prior was played on Christmas eve in Cleveland. A 24-23 loss for the Browns. Talk about a rotten Christmas, getting bounced on home turf to end the season.
  15. Posted a video the other day about the 20 pts in 77 seconds vs Denver back in '90 and it seemed to get a good response so here is another old one I came across. Everyone knows all about the comeback game but my first experience with the playoffs as a Bills fan is the lesser know Oilers game on new years day 1989 (yikes, the hangovers!). Much less spectacular game as the Bills would hang on for a 17-10 win and head to Cincinnati for the AFC Championship the following week. I was 12 years old at the time and this is where my Bills fandom was really starting to take off. Anyway here's a 20 min video of that game. A little grainy at times but worth a look if you're into old Bills games. We all remember the stars of that era, but so many names of contributors I had forgotten:
  16. I remember I had to listen to the Raiders comeback the week later on the radio because I didn't get TNT or whatever had Sunday night football back then. I grew up in the Adirondacks and the stations were limited. I asked my dad to leave the room, he did and that's when we blocked the punt. The theme of that season was cemented in our household at that point.
  17. Football season is here (sort of) and im psyched. Per the norm I go nuts watching old highlights and reading old stats this time of year. Came across this gem from 1990. It's the game where we scored 20 pts in 77 seconds vs Denver. I remember Denver was about to kick the FG to go up 24-9 (a 3 score deficit in those days) when my dad went to take a shower before work. He missed it all. The entire rest of the season when the Bills were down I'd tell him to leave the room. I was 14 at the time so he played along. Anyway a great memory from back in the day. Enjoy:
  18. Good topic OP. Honestly I think I'd be ok with 3-5 and would expect 8-8 at least depending on how the qb situation plays out. Funny how finally breaking the drought last year would make men content with a .500 season so long as things appear headed in the right direction.
  19. It would still be heard over the regular radio. Cant hurt to get the word out. Some of us jump back and forth between the radio and the app (or as of recently, lack there of)
  20. Sent. Thanks for the links
  21. Has anyone tried calling the show to mention it? I realize it is not something they control but I'm sure they can get the word out to those who do. If it becomes an on air topic I'm sure others would chime in so they would know just how bad it has been. Of course it might be screened as they'd probably not be advised to discuss any negativity about radio.com.
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