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Bills fan since 87

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Everything posted by Bills fan since 87

  1. I would not like NFL to start Labor Day again. Wife and I do our final camping trip that weekend! Keep it at 16
  2. And with 3 he games coming out of it too.
  3. To be fair it didn't go well when they ignored us too! Beat NE!
  4. What about Hammer lot specific shirts. There were some a few years back but I missed the boat.
  5. Well. Time for the offense to wake up
  6. Agree with this, and who knows, if the Browns go out and look bad again maybe they end up not being a contender for a WC after all.
  7. Boom! There they are. Not where Unusually get em but they are there. Thanks
  8. No new on demamd segments have not been downloaded for me since Friday. Anyone else having issues? I tried uninstalling and reinstalling again but still.the same issue. This has happened in the past, just checking to see if that's the case for others.
  9. Make a stop here and we likely win. Wow
  10. Considering the way we player we are lucky
  11. Can't let em score before the half
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