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Bills fan since 87

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Everything posted by Bills fan since 87

  1. To be fair we've been pretty spoiled this year with dramatic games
  2. They grew on me as a once a year thing. Hated them at first .
  3. Favorite combo along with the all white standing Buffalo throwbacks.
  4. Just another reason to get that bye and miss the chance of playing in that game
  5. Ugh, rather have Browns/Cards than Giants/Rams in Roch
  6. Never thought about that, but yeah thats a solid point
  7. Been a fantastic season for redzone, almost overwhemling at times with all the finishes happening at once.
  8. Chargers/Ravens would be a great game for a tie
  9. Even if we lose to Tennesse we are likely cruising. But I think we'll beat them
  10. Every year around week 10 or so ESPN drops it's playoff machine simulater (the best one out there imo). I always loved playing around with it in the past to see what scenarios would get the Bills into the playoffs; and more recently who our likely first round matchup might be. I've prob spent hours on that thing trying to find a path for the Bills to make the playoffs or get a favorable match up once there. I am now feeling pretty confident that we will be the number one seed this year (I know, a looong way) to go but the way our schedule lines up and the fact that all the teams we will be vying with play eachother I can certainly see, if not expect us to get that bye. In which case we wouldn't even know who our matchup is until the first weekend of the playoffs is over. The simulater just wont have the same intensity for me this year...Ahhhhh first world problems! -Go Bills!
  11. Man, football is a crazy game
  12. Josh would have made the endzone
  13. Talk about a HUGE review
  14. Oh man, the offense needs to get going
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