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Bills fan since 87

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Everything posted by Bills fan since 87

  1. Pats fans 🙄
  2. About a month and a half ago I wrote a post that said something along the lines of "In a wierd way I will miss playing around with the playoff machines this year as the Bills look to be cruising toward a top 2 seed" Man, that did not age well. Here I am on that thing 2-3 times a day trying to pick positvely and get the Bills to win the division and more often picking the Bills to go 10-7 and finding ways we still get in. Starting tonight I will be watching every other AFC team closely rooting for the favorable results for the Bills. I feel the bottom has fallen out completley as I sit here with an all too familiar drought feeling. Even when we made the playoffs a couple yars back we were someone comfortably locked into the 5 seed for the later half of the season. Fotrunatley I do believe things are never as positive and negative as they would seem. WIth that said we really, REALLY could use this win in Tampa Sunday. The whole narrative would change next week with a divsion title still in play. Otherwise we might be going into week 18 with rooting interests other than the Bills. At the very least we need to show up Sunday, if we get hammered I will have little faith we can win in New England and I will honestly start to worry about dropping one of the 3 home games. Here we are again. A crossroads game to say the least. We better get it, time is quickly running out on what could be an alltime let down of a season. Go Bills! (I just can't believe I am hoping for a wildcard, how did it get to this)
  3. Provided we beat the Panthers, Falcons and Jets. Which right no om not positive that we do win all 3. Today sucks.
  4. Playoff nerves....Thats what this is like. Not leaving Roch until 1:30 as I got to work a half day but im ready to run through a brick wall right freaking NOW
  5. Well that wasnt a good night of sleep. Go Bills!
  6. I have a feeling Buffalo controls this game Monday. Conditions will make it low scoring, Bill 23 Pats 10
  7. We should be fine I hope, just have to see how it goes. Hopefully we time it right and the uber wait isnt too long or we run into some people headed to the stadium from the motel. Gonna be weird not tailgating
  8. Thanks for the info, incidentally are the stadium area bars open past 2 on Monday nights? I know the city is 4am but not sure with Oneals and Big Tree. Im sure a Bills MNF game will entice them to not close too early.
  9. I live in Roch now, I'm an ADK boy though. Not affraid if thats what I gotta do!
  10. What about 1 or 2am ish?
  11. Jp and Lee, 83 yard TD X2. And that was that for the JP highlights.
  12. Yep, figured as much. Which is fine. I just dont want to wait for 45 plus min at the hotel for an uber to get there. Hopefully there is a steady stream going down southwest blvd toward ECC
  13. Motel 6 on camp road (its a dump but got it for like $40 back when the sked was released) The rate now is not what i expect it to be on gameday
  14. Not tailgating this time, got a motel in hamburg. Will prob get there at 3:30. How much can i expect to pay to uber out to the stadium area (ecc is fine) and how long a wait? Figure ill hang out at one of the bars in the area after the game and wait to get an uber late. Any advice on doing a game this way? 99% of the time im in Hammers lot tailgating.
  15. I do understand you point, I still think its pretty cool however. Go Bills
  16. Its funny because I hated him at first, but his time with us really turned me around on him. A couple years ago he was on Howard and Jeremy gushing about Buffalo. Of course youd expect him to pander to the local station but the interview was very insightful and he seemed genuine.
  17. I think its cool. I know he only played one year here but in the middle of the drought it was a fun ride. I like to collect obscure Bills jerseys so you know I'll have my 81 on in the stadium monday night! Owens has had nothing but good things to say about his short time in Buffalo.
  18. 5%? Probably not as many as previous seasons as their fans figured they'd be down this year and money was spent on whatever other Boston team was the flavor of the week at that time.
  19. Get him more games on turkey day!
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