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Bills fan since 87

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Everything posted by Bills fan since 87

  1. Oh, they have parking too? How much was it there?
  2. They did not, thanks for the tip. Ill look into it
  3. Yeah, might have to pop around a bit on the 3 above the stadium and hope to get lucky. Again I'd just park at Wings if the bridge was still there....but i think some crackhead took a plunge and drown a few years back. Alas, no more bridge
  4. OK so for this one I am going to do the bar scene before the game because A) It will be cold and B) I want to see some of Bengals/Raiders. Problem is I'm probably not the only one thinking this. What would you all say my best bet on getting a decent spot if I arrive around 4:30ish? I am very familiar with the bars that are around the stadium. Danny's south (preffered spot if I can get a bar spot) Big Tree (small but iconic) O'Neils (great spot to stand and watch the early game with music blaring, no idea if they have food) and Wings (preffered spot if the bridge still exhisted, it was not there for the Monday NIght game and it's a long cold walk with out it.) Am I missing any? What's my best bet? GO BILLS!!
  5. Im fine with all off them. Morning and afternoon. I might disagree with a lot that is said but I also agree with a lot that is said. At the end of the day isn't that just good radio?
  6. Blah blah blah. If you CAN (kids, old folks, etc aside) GO to the GAME
  7. You call me out for questioning fandom yet felt compelled to point out you've been to every game since 2007? Almost if you wear it as a badge, as if you know...It makes you a better fan, say? Odd
  8. If you always said how you wanted to go to a home playoff game yet decide not to go because its going to be cold....Did you ever really want it, or did you just want it on your terms? It will be special being in that stadium Saturday night, surrounded by my fellow diehards. Go Bills! (Families with kids or old folks I get it, your excluded from being called out, and Go Bills to you too)
  9. To some of us it means more.
  10. Wish a lot of our fans had the same mentality...
  11. That's awesome, also going solo. Wouldnt miss this for the world. But im just driving from Rochester, you sir have stamped your mafia card for life
  12. That's the spirit! Lets hope support lags for a playoff game for something that will never happen! Go Bills!
  13. Id go either way, but thats just me. Honestly i dont mind cold weather games (though this is extreme for sure) not a fan of the dome idea but id listen to the argument. Especially around midnight saturday!
  14. This is the type of game that helps define what type of fan you are. Thats not a shot at anyone, but a fact. Either you would never miss this game or you will, either because you decide or because of difficult hurdles. At the end of the day there are those of us who will go and those of us who wont.
  15. Its gonna annoy me in 10 years when people say they were there when I was and they, in actuality, were not
  16. Yep, upper corners were void of any fans. Kinda of a fun game in Bills lore, a 29-23 win. Tasker went crazy.
  17. 141, row 11. As a teen Bills fan growing up in the Adirondacks during the early 90s I always dreamed of this day. It only took this last 11 years living in Rochester before it finally happened, lol. Bucket List! Go Bills! Flying solo for this one. No tailgate, but bars before.
  18. 29-23. Tasker was a beast in that game, on special teams and receiving a few big catches
  19. Doing the motel thing again for the playoff game on Saturday night. Instead of Uber though I think I will drive to the game and back to the hotel after, so I don't have to wait in the freezing cold (wont be drinking once the game starts anyway). I could not find an uber to save my life post Monday night game and waited until about 2:30am. So...What's my best course of action? I am thinking about parking at ECC (what time will their lots open?) and post game just hopping on SW blvd back to Hamburg. Is this feesable? Does the traffic back up pretty bad going that way, or any tricks or other sugegstions anyone might have? GO BILLS!!
  20. Doing the motel thing again for the playoff game on Saturday night. Instead of Uber though I think I will drive to the game and back to the hotel after, so I don't have to wait in the freezing cold (wont be drinking once the game starts anyway). I could not find an uber to save my life post Monday night game and waited until about 2:30am. So...What's my best course of action? I am thinking about parking at ECC (what time will their lots open?) and post game just hopping on SW blvd back to Hamburg. Is this feesable? Does the traffic back up pretty bad going that way, or any tricks or other sugegstions anyone might have? GO BILLS!!
  21. Cold or VERY cold that stadium is gonna be magic Saturday night!
  22. *this week, especially the punter
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