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Bills fan since 87

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Everything posted by Bills fan since 87

  1. Because we might beat them the next time (if we even face them)
  2. Honestly, given the choice I'd have taken the 5 results that went our way this week over this game and have have the others go against us. Now go Ravens
  3. Honestly, given the choice I'd have taken the 5 results that went our way this week over this game and have have the others go against us. Now go Ravens
  4. I was womdering that too. Missed where he got hurt
  5. As we can testify after last night
  6. Since yeaterday it doesn't seem to loading right for me. It wont show the playoff matchups and appears half cut off. Anyone else having this issue? Im addicted to that thing, need my fix!
  7. Got ya. I was lost. Thanks for the clarification
  8. Thats the Gabe we NEED
  9. Checking in from Lima, Peru for this one. Visiting the in laws for Christmas. Go Bills! Might want to wait a bit, pretty sure they exclusively have one of the Wild Card games
  10. I don't realistically think so, been trying to figure that out. But we can still have a spot clinched by the time we play Miami (assuming its the night game) based on results earlier that day
  11. This is beautiful. They cant stop us
  12. Unbelievable choke by the Vikings. Start to finish. They pissed away opportunities
  13. Good god the Vikings are awful
  14. What? Philly or Dallas would handle Houston. Especially if Stroud is injured (I think their receivers are hurt too?)
  15. I'm ok with paying for one that is dependable. In fact would rather pay, if it means knowing I'll get the game uninterrupted. That's why I am fishing for suggestions.
  16. So I'll be doing Christmas with my wife's family in Peru this year. I've visited South America many times and have had good fortune catching Bills games at local sports bars (that have the foreign version of NFL ticket) in the past but this time is different as the Chargers game is a peacock stream, and likely not part of the package. I am figuring I'll need to go the VPN route, which I have never done. Anyone have any suggestions on one that they have used successfully in the past when abroad during a Bills game? Any other tips in regard to using a VPN? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Go Bills!
  17. Oh man, we dont even get a toss off. Ughh
  18. Catch the ball Murray!
  19. Correction. Pick 6
  20. Gotta get at least 3 before the half
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