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The Milkman

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Everything posted by The Milkman

  1. You guys are freaking amazing!!! You all post and complain about Tom Donahoe's out of his butt drafrting style, and then turn around and make a post like this?!?!?!?!? Tim Graham god bless you for wanting to mave back here to this.
  2. Seriously though, why wouldn't this guy come out early after he saw how badly staying one more year cost Brady Quinn. Football is a game, but there also is a huge payday. Ryan Leaf sucked, and was a huge bust, but I bet he isn't running a machine in a factory somewhere. Instead he probably won't ever have to work again. Maybe the kid is smart enough to punch his own ticket first and worry about the HOF later.
  3. Of course we all know how Sanchez is going to play: He will stick it up our a##es and then rub it under our noses!
  4. So what you are saying then is that we need to dump Jauron and bring in someone else who failed somewhere else. Then, just because he is right here right now (thanks Marv) he will go from bum to hero!?!?!? Do you listen to yourself? I sure hope you aren't working somewhere in a management position where the lives of others depend on your wisdom. If you really want the Bills to stay in Buffalo, then you should be rooting for Jauron to succeed so that the Bills remain a viable team with a solid fan base that guarantees a reasonable return on investment. All of the upheaval that is created by constantly changing coaches and systems sets us back and weakens the argument that the Bills should stay in Buffalo. We need to face the fact that Buffalo is in a constrained market and can't always compete financially with Dallas and Washington. The front office has taken some chances in the free agent market, but unfortunately not all of them have been home runs. Marcus Stroud was one, Derrick Dockery and Langston Walker not so much. With a little more luck, we might have been in a totally different situation than we are now. The point is, management is trying to make the Bills competitive and has had modest success. We need to hope that they have more. We also need to remember that for every John Mcargo, management has found a Jabari Greer, Kyle Williams, Terrence McGee and Fred Jackson. They aren't perfect, but they obviously have done some things right. Hopefully, they will continue to do so and get lucky with a free agent or two. Then our Bills will have a chance to stay successful and more importantly stay our Bills.
  5. So, we need to build TE's confidence. Hmmm, does Jessica Simpson have a sister?
  6. I was watching channel 7 as I got ready for work this morning and I think they said they were going to carry the game. If that doesn't work, then it sucks to be you. I will be watching the game on my 36" tv, eating fodd that is not good for me, and drinking beverages that will give me horrendous gas tomorrow. At least that is my plan unless some a-hole with a handful of mylar balloons does something stupid!
  7. Thanks again Time Warner for all you do for us!!!
  8. We keep saying that the O line sucks, and quite frankly they have sucked this year. Jason Peters did us no favors by holding out, but it goes beyond him. To me, the bigger question is why does our line continue to suck year after year? Why do guys who used to play here, like Mike Gandy for instance, go on to other places and play well? Is it scheme? Is it coaching? It is hard to believe it is totally bad players because we have tried so many and continually have the same issues. If what some of you posters say is true, then virtually all of the linemen we have had come through here in the last five or ten years have been woefully inadequate. Ralph has finally ponied up with some serious cash, so we can't blame it on him anymore. So what is the problem? Is it coaching? Player evaluation/scouting? Ralph brought in a business man to run the Bills. I say it's high time he brought those business management skills to the field and find and fix the root cause of this problem. Until he does, we will all be diappointed on Monday mornings.
  9. Travis Henry started in his rookie season too. He was so good that he even had time to cruise the penny candy aisle at the 7-11 picking up 14 year old girls. I guess you are right, this year's rookie class just doesn't measure up.
  10. I think that the Bills will beat the Mularkey style offense Donphins, but I'm afraid that it will be close. In fact, i'm guessing we will all be watching until the bitter end in what might be a nail biter. The big difference of course will be that some of us will get the game on cable. But come Monday, we will all once again be the unpaid experts on what Jauron and Co. shoulda, woulda, and coulda done differently on Sunday. Man isn't football great! Oh, and Go Bills!!!
  11. When you get the brakes on your car fixed, do you want to take it back three times so that the mechanic has time to get his **it together? When you go out to eat, are you willing to send your food back two or three times so that the cook has time to get his **it together? We all know that you don't. None of us do. If we aren't going to be patient with these guys, then why on earth should we be patient with Jason Peters? There are hundreds of guys who would give anything to have his roster spot for a lot less dough. Probably all but one or two couldn't carry his jock, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't owe the Bills and we fans his best efforts. An NFL career is short and most guys don't get second chances, especially guys who get paid what he thinks he is worth. In the what have you done for me lately world of the NFL he hasn't done enough. Before free agency, this may have been acceptable, but not anymore. The manchild needs to stop listening to all of those people who are telling him how great he is (or in this case was) and get off his bulbous butt and show us that he still is great. If he can't or won't then next year I hope he gets a chance to show a new team and group of fans what he is made of.
  12. Omon is like that donut spare tire in the trunk. He's there just in case you need him, but you sure don't want to ride very far on him.
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