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Everything posted by MClem06

  1. Which QB should start week 17 against the pats?
  2. Sharpen your pitchforks! Someone has to be strung up and hanged for this abomination! I don't see why you landed on Brandon??? There is a big GLARING person to blame for the piss poor play calling and it is Nate Hackett. He calls 9 runs against one of the worst run D's in the league and has no adjustments or answers for the other teams game plan week after week. I am a true believer that even with Orton's performances week after week any "NFL capable" OC gets us into the playoffs this year. In no way did he devise plays to get our playmakers he ball. While Green Bay put their dangerous wideout in shotgun and handed him the ball, are you telling me we couldn't do that with Watkins? Show Hackett the door not Brandon. This offense is painful to watch not soley because of the o-line (which marrone should know how to fix right? since he was an o-line player ???) but because of the Bush League Offense they ran.
  3. One minute you're chewin on a burger the next minute you're dead meat.
  4. Have a fix for your tattoo..
  5. Well people who are telling this board to "relax" can suck it. 14 years without playoffs and they put up this pitiful game today we all deserve the right to vent. Suddenly 8-8 is a let down which is where we'll end up taking 3 more wins this entire year. Another season with our heads in the sand come playoff time. It's like the last day of summer, you know when you feel that cold come on that it won't end for another 5-6 months. Well here we are feeling that cold and readying ourselves for hibernation. It's been real and the team did trick us into thinking we had a shot when all it took were some horrible tragedies and the curse still stands.
  6. Orton for Prez 2016. If he can show us he can lead this team to the playoffs or even sniff it at 9-7 (or even 10-6 the way the AFC is playing out) i say we extend him and pay that man his money. EJ is a serviceable backup right now and about a 30% chance he can develop into a winning NFL QB. I agree with posters about Chip Kelly utilizing talent better than Hackett and if we do anything in 2 years we replace the OC for an experienced coach who knows how to mix it up better in the run game.
  7. Well, we have to have humility on the oline part and hopefully things turn around but give your best nickname to our front lines: Example: D - Line - The Fright Squad O - Line - The Blazing Turnstiles
  8. What in gods name can we do to pick up a decent guard? There has to be someone on the bench of these other 31 teams that is better than what we have right now. Get it done Marrone, don't be stubborn and say it can be fixed. Now that CJ is wrecked for the year there goes that bargaining chip so what do we have to trade, certainly not draft picks... maybe Mike Williams goes? Please tell me we are going to do something about this pathetic line play. October 28 is the deadline at 4pm.
  9. I'm Probably not the only one in a suicide league here but this week is causing me a bit of worry. I can not pick - Jets, Packers, Patriots, Chargers, Eagles or Denver. That being said the game I had in my mind that was the closest thing to a whoopin would be Seattle playing St. Louis in St. Louis. I have not used the champs yet and the Rams are on a horrible run. Other games to pick from: Titans vs Skins vikes vs Bills (can't pick buf since i refuse to lose with them... ) Dolphins vs Bears Bengals vs Colts Browns vs Jags Saints vs Lions Panthers vs Packers Chiefs vs Chargers Cards vs Raiders Giants Vs. Cowboys 49ers vs Broncos Texans vs Steelers Thanks for the help...
  10. I totally disagree with the post that orton did nothing different than EJ.... Are u freaking blind? See u not watching the deep pass to Goodwin that was placed perfectly in between the two defenders ? No way EJ makes it anywhere near him that play.
  11. Chill out one bad game doesn't make them horrible. The Miami game was solid. Chicago wasn't bad either. San Diego has a great defense! I'm not saying we couldn't use an upgrade I just think calling for someone's head after 1 bad game is crazy. Give the unit time to learn with each other.
  12. http://espn.go.com/nfl/powerrankings 12 - up 11 spots GO BILLS!!!
  13. If you watch the first video, EJ's first read is wide open (you have to watch it right as he releases the ball, his eyes were fixed on the receiver but shift over to his dump option to make the pass. The reciever he first looked at was coming across the middle wide open and he didn't go to him. We won but i'm just curious what was wrong with read 1 on that play? Would have gone for more than the dump yardage they ended up with on that play.
  14. I really believe that aside from our team as a whole making amazing plays on both sides of the ball, our game plans both offensive and defensive against the first two teams have been fantastic. It's a HUGE part of why we are 2-0 right now. We have misdirection on our side, calling the same play but running it differently everytime keeps the other teams on their toes. The offensive gameplan for one has in my opinion been amazing. Hats off to Hackett and his crew. They are taking their short comings and turning them into strengths. Not asking EJ to win the game but manage it instead and figuring out how to do that has to be difficult. That being said. I have to think they are looking at and analyzing the tape from the SD game and thinking how do you stop Gates? on D. On offense, how do you keep up with the points/passes Rivers can put up on the board. I think this is the first game where you will see 30 plus passes from EJ. The problem they will face is if they fall behind early , answering back right away. EJ came out firing on target in the Miami game but we kicked field goals. This isn't going to win us a game against SD. We have to have to be efficient and score 7 in the redzone whenever we get there. I'm hopeful we can keep this thing rolling GO BILLS!! Anyone else have any guesses on key focal points for the game plan both offense and defense?
  15. EGULAR 1 SEP 7 1:00PMEDT ) AT BEARS W 2 SEP 14 1:00PMEDT * DOLPHINS W 3 SEP 21 1:00PMEDT * CHARGERS L 4 SEP 28 1:00PMEDT * AT TEXANS W 5 OCT 5 1:00PMEDT ) AT LIONS L 6 OCT 12 1:00PMEDT * PATRIOTS W 7 OCT 19 1:00PMEDT ) VIKINGS W 8 OCT 26 1:00PMEDT * AT JETS L 10 NOV 9 1:00PMEST * CHIEFS L 11 NOV 13 8:25PMEST , AT DOLPHINS W 12 NOV 23 1:00PMEST * JETS W 13 NOV 30 1:00PMEST * BROWNS W 14 DEC 7 4:05PMEST * AT BRONCOS L 15 DEC 14 1:00PMEST ) PACKERS L 16 DEC 21 4:25PMEST * AT RAIDERS W 17 DEC 28 1:00PMEST * AT PATRIOTS L Here is what i had in the previous i told you so post , so far i'm 100% but hopefully i'm wrong about next week!
  16. A team that goes into a game that does not respect us thinking we are a pushover is better for us so I'm actually happy that is the view of the public and of the fans. If they are not playing us with respect they will get burned. GO BILLS, and yes it does feel like a different 2-0 then 2011.
  17. Russel's stats 17 of 25 202 yds 2 tds. Sounds a lot like the stats Manuel has had for the first 2 games. I think when Hackett looks at this offense what they did to the #1 passing D in the league last year we are going to have to try to keep up with the passing game and let manuel go for 30 + passes this next game. If we're kicking field goals we are going to most likely lose this next game. Also we have to mix up the run plays, I feel like that shotgun handoff play is sooooo telegraphed.
  18. I was listening to WGR this morning and they mentioned the plan going in was to get EJ to 20-25 passes and pound them with the ground game so for EJ to do what he did in just 22 passes is what they wanted initially. I hope they keep it this way for at least the first 4 weeks. This does not let EJ go out and make a crazy amount of mistakes and lets him learn as he goes. They are realizing that he's on the verge of being over the hump but he's not over it enough to hand him the ball he entire game and let him pass the ball around the yard 35-40 times. When we see that number we'll know he's there.
  19. Oh and the only non impressive parts for me was Preston brown lack of awareness / out of position and ej's deep balls thrown 0 for 1 when he had watkins open. Excellent game management and way to not make bad decisions with the ball. Penalties were killer , that game would not have been as close if we didn't give their team over 100 yds in penalties.
  20. Everyone down on chandler read this... EJ's running td was courtesy of chandler sealing and dominating his blocking assignment. Yeah less than great receiving today but he's been the best and is still the best TE on this roster... For now
  21. While hating the fact that we may have to roam through other peoples garbage to "upgrade" our QB backup position, I was just looking at teams that have Depth at the QB position that would be a possible scrap heap for the Bills if Palmer looks like dookie tonight. Since It's only preseason this may be a good reason to watch teams other than the Bills for these "on the bubble" Players: Baltimore: Keith Wenning 3rd stringer - Bad show so far but former 10000 yard college career at Ball state. Won against Miami threw 6 tds in the game. Washington: Colt McCoy - former starter for the brownies we all know the story here, undersized but big heart. Cincy: AJ MCCarron or Matt Scott - the Bungles have 4 QB's right now so there will be opportunity here to watch how they play in their last chance. Pitt: Landry Jones will probably end up being a PS guy and he looked horrible in their last outing. Colts: Chandler Harnish - They've been reserving this guy , no nfl game exp to speak of but threw a td and 180 yds in this years preseason games so far. Titans: Zack Mettenberger - Developmental guy 3rd string no exp. Broncos: Zac Dysert - if they only keep 2 QB's.. which they may want 3 since Manning is up there in age. Cheifs - They have 4 QB's and Chase Daniel is their back up which could change. Tyler Bray & Aaron Murray are the options behind Daniel. Raiders - Trent Edwards... Just checking to see if you were still reading. No thanks, Capt checkdown can get cut and play arena football. He's 4th on their depth chart. Giants - Curtis Painter - Some real game exp - 8 games started for Indy 1500 yds 6tds 9ints ... Eagles - Matt Barkley (listed as 3rd str) starting their 4th preseason game Lions - We'll get a look at their 3rd stringer Kellen Moore tonight, but so far this preseason he's at a 115 passer rating not too shabby. Vikings- Ponder - NFL experience , may end up chopped if they don't trade him. Pats - Mallet - Pats evidently have been looking to get something for him.
  22. Kdiggs, what is what for? You are asking What for What? or Why for Why? or Who's on second What's on First?
  23. Bump it keep it up there a few days? 121 votes isn't bad but I'm sure they have more people that will read this over the next few days
  24. Thought this might be cool to get a head count of fans that visit the board. I personally would like to thank the people that make this site my top place to visit for Bills updates! So THANK YOU
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