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Everything posted by GOBILLS78

  1. Seriously trying to decide whether I dislike him more than I did Ellison. Smith seems so innocent, you almost feel bad for the guy. And he doesn't play as much as Ellison did, therfore has less of an impact. But his boneheadedness is maddening. It's so easy to dislike both of them.
  2. I approve of this thread. I'll say first quarter.
  3. The issue appears to be the defensive flinch that came before Henderson's.
  4. I must not understand false start penalties. And I mean that in all seriousness. EDIT: Now I got what you're saying, TC. From the rulebook: "No player of offensive team may charge or move abruptly, after assuming set position, in such manner as to lead defense to believe snap has started. No player of the defensive team within one yard of the line of scrimmage may make an abrupt movement in an attempt to cause the offense to false start."
  5. I don't understand. Henderson flinched. It was obvious in real time. No issue with that penalty.
  6. Best steak I ever had was at Upstream Brewing Company in Omaha, Neb.
  7. Question for the old-timers: Which team was better? '64 or '65?
  8. If I'm not mistaken, these are done by filmmakers who bring the finished work to ESPN for its blessing. They aren't the works of ESPN itself. I know of one documentary in production about a hot-air balloonist/skydiver/adventurer that the filmmakers are hoping becomes a 30 for 30.
  9. My basement. Some are still there. They said hi.
  10. Rooting for anybody playing the Islanders. Unfortunately, it looks like they're improved as well. Best-case scenario would be two top-10 picks for the Sabres.
  11. They always hate the most undisciplined team.
  12. Up until about a decade ago, Sunset Bay Deli.
  13. Goofytall tightendinitis. I feel it coming on every time Chandler makes his one inexplicable good play/penalty/bad play every game. It does happen once every game. Every game.
  14. Bills 56, Texans 7
  15. Look at the schedule, see who the Bills play next?
  16. I still feel Orton was brought in just as insurance, as to avoid another catastrophe like after Manuel's injury last year. They needed someone proven back there, but he won't be brought in otherwise. I'd be shocked in Manuel didn't get three or four years before the plug is pulled.
  17. I often hear that Stern isn't relevant. Then I see Stern giving Joan Rivers' eulogy getting pub, then I see that Benji's hijacking of the Goodell press conference is getting pub, then I see that this guy's death is the No. 1 trending topic on Twitter. This is just in the past week or so. Maybe Stern's more relevant now than ever. Name another "relevant" radio guy who gets the guests this guy does.
  18. It will be ugly. Both teams coming off emotional wins. Weather forecast looks dreary. If Buffalo sticks with the run, as it has, the Bills will have the edge. It's a toss-up to me.
  19. I know what you're saying. It's the moisture, I think.
  20. I called it the "Get off me, youngin'."
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