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Everything posted by GOBILLS78

  1. In 2008 the China King in Hamburg was busted by the health department for butchering a deer in the kitchen. I don't think it was ever determined where the deer came from.
  2. My 2-year-old daughter wore her Fitzpatrick jersey instead of her usual Bills cheerleading uniform. I blame her.
  3. They weren't winning the Super Bowl, folks. Go Bills!
  4. I must say, you've had a fairly solid week.
  5. Hope he is OK.
  6. I could be wrong, but I don't think the people have a problem with the people behind it, I think it's the name itself. It just seems juvenile. It sounds like it was created by an Affliction-shirt-wearing Jimmy Spags on a Kawasaki Ninja. That being said, good on them. Trolling Schefter makes us all smile.
  7. "Excitebike," I do believe. Also could have been "Castlevania" or, of course, "Super Mario Bros."
  8. I did that once all day -- in a very, very small city. Highlight of the day: Livestock in the roadway and lunch at Hardee's. Have to have too much patience to be a cop/deputy/anything. I could never do it. People are awful.
  9. I'm guessing because leaning casually on the hood of his car, feet crossed with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth while reading a novel in the other hand might inspire even more complaints. Gotta earn it! 'MERICA! /Also, I have no idea.
  10. Where's the slow-clap emoticon?
  11. Powell wasn't on the Bills' practice squad.
  12. "Not sure it's true." Why the *% would anybody speculate about something like that?
  13. In my mind, he'll live forever. In others', he's done in 18,000 years.
  14. I'm not that guy, but I swear he could have ripped chunks of 30-40 yards against the Browns.
  15. Sure, you say that, but who's going to carry the torch for Division II 400-meter hurdlers on this team? Huh? HUH?
  16. Nothing on his Twitter page. Yet.
  17. He's the holder on kicks, too, right? (Revoke my fan card if you must.)
  18. Doesn't make them less beautiful.
  19. As Warren Buffet has said, (paraphrasing): "I can't think of a single successful business in which the customers come in through the front door and have to pay for your product, but the people who come in through the back door get your product for free." Get used to it. Pay walls will be ubiquitous in the next five years, I would assume. Good thing, too.
  20. Another vertical video. For shame!
  21. Quiet drunks everywhere are resenting you guys for lumping us in with the gameday toughguys.
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