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Everything posted by GOBILLS78

  1. Fairly certain almost any team would want him. Just a matter of where in the draft.
  2. Totally with you on this. I can't tell you how many awful CBC dramas I sat through.
  3. Looks understandably rough in the mug shot though. I don't know...
  4. The Stony Brook game counts. They are officially eligible now.
  5. Anybody hear the mashup of this with Metallica's "One" on "The Howard Stern Show"? It was magical.
  6. It was my understanding they didn't even interview anybody else. Roy sure looks good behind the bench. But nah, can't have him, he'd usurp precious Regier.
  7. No starters, no passing, running clock. Really should be no complaints here. I was a horrible, horrible basketball player, but I LIVED for the last couple of minutes of a rout so I could get in the game and try to make a play. You can't ask your players to stop trying.
  8. 1999 here, and it was never an issue, though the whole shower/dressing routine was very quick for everybody because that place was like a friggin' sauna. No stragglers. Way more comfortable then than I would be now because it was just the daily routine.
  9. Awww, man. I was about to drop some Bell Biv DeVoe/Alice Cooper knowledge in here.
  10. Was going to bring this up. Dolphins fans have their pitchforks out on the fella.
  11. I hate ultra-successful people I don't know!
  12. A dumb call, but who knows what was said.
  13. What I really want to know is what Boomer Esiason thought of it.
  14. Yeah, that never helps.
  15. I thought he played well too. But is it an unfair criticism to ask why he gave them the opportunity to make a return on the final punt? I know he was punting out of his end zone, and I know nothing about the finer points of punting.
  16. My friend and I did this at Notre Dame on two separate occasions. Just jumped the wall and nobody said a word. Exited the stadium by going up the famed tunnel.
  17. 42-0, 1990, DT taking it to the house!
  18. In my opinion, his only motivation was to crush the gang. Otherwise, he knew he would die without having "won." That was happening whether he got killed or got arrested. Didn't matter. It's not about money with Walt, it's about power. He wasn't going to let some two-bit white trash have the last word on his empire.
  19. Right. Apparently people have already forgotten about his dough-throwing joyride.
  20. But he's already had that. Even with a huge stereo and bags of money, he was miserable. He wanted to be unchained, that's all.
  21. I keep seeing posts about Jesse's lack of money. If there's anything we've learned about him over the past three seasons, it's he doesn't care about the damn money.
  22. Yeah, I guess that was about the only way it could end.
  23. But all winters suck.
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