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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. I live a little further south than you, but your story is exactly my interpretation of Stiller fans,let the canibalization begin.
  2. What kind of a site is this.
  3. Oh STFU you Ghaddaffi lookalike MF'er!
  4. Didn't safety Leonard Smith have some nickname? Maybe that was Hitman?
  5. He is funnier when lit up! Which I think is often.
  6. Now that's what I'm talkin bout, Very cool.
  7. Add Pittsburgh to this list, as a matter of fact, put them at the top of it.
  8. I really like the helmets with the stripes offsett and shorter, the way you show a littel bit of the horn sticking out from the unseen side of the Buffalo, and the rougher more pronounced back of the Buffalo as well. You got some talent man.
  9. Way too Patriot looking for my liking
  10. I also was sent a similiar e-mail by Die-hard Steeler Fan, with the fan at the SB, a Steeler one. I responded to him with, he should have went to the funeral, but at least he got to see someone get killed. I know, some of you will say it was a close game, and it may have ended up that way, but from my vantage point, other than the final score, it was pretty much a Packer beat down.
  11. I like them all, no. 2 is my favorite, but like the helmets on 3,4,5,&6.
  12. Not sure how many times that I have to state this, I belive that it should have been evident from my original post, but I have no problem with Diaz feeding him whatever, in any way she wants to feed him, I just think that A-Rod is a tool for being upset at being caught on camera while she was doing it. Since it is pretty evident from most of the posts that I read, that a lot of people have trouble putting two sentences together, or formulating any coherent thought process, why would I be surprised that a lot can't interpret the point of a post. As far as Diaz, v Madonna, and the homewrecker comment, yeah I have to agree that this might have been incorrect, but I am not a reporter, I am an anonymous poster on an internet chat site, so I don't think that I will be getting sued for libel anytime soon.
  13. I stand corrected, never been there, do you think it is better than the botanical gardens? Just askin, no ulterior motive.
  14. Not true, I hooked up with you one weekend, didn't I. You missed the point of the post, I could care less if his squeeze was feeding him regurgitation from her last meal while fanning him with palm leaves. It is his reaction to being caught on film that I take umberage with, and his pompous attitude, now grip this x?1ox>l.
  15. Geez, what is with this guy. Apparently he was very upset about being caught on film with Cameron feeding him popcorn like he was some type of Roman Emperor or something. What a tool this guy is, what did he think was gonna happen, apparently he was guranteed nobody would take pictures of him and his concubine. What a presumptious jerk he is. I say for the rest of his life, nobody should even as much as look at him. She probably wipes his behind for him too.
  16. I agree with everything that you state, especially the part about their fans, I actually like the team, it's their fans that I can't stomach. One correction though,they do not have any botanical gardens here that I am aware of, and if they did, no way it could be better than Buffalo's. Now, I was a kid when I lived in B'lo, so that could have something to do with it, as everything seemed grander when you are a kid. I don't care how many of them there are, our how loud and obnoxious they get, they do not come close to Bill's Fans. I saw some local film when the Steelers returned from Dallas, there were maybe 100 people there to greet them. 90 of them were part of their extended families.
  17. Where were u at, Fatheads, Mario's, Piper's, Nakama, Doublewide, etc, etc.... Great places on the Southside, so many to choose from, excellent atmosphere,a little Collegiate, but very fun. BTW, I have been to at least three of the AFC Championship games over the last 10-15 years, and I had extra tickets for the San Diego one, I couldn't give them away, I was amazed. Don't be fooled, Steeler Nation is a bit of a myth, oh yeah, they travel, and they are loud and obnoxious, but you wouldn't belive the cannibalization that I am hearing down here now. One bad loss, and the whole team's sexual orientation comes into question, we will be hearing that Tomlin is boinking his white secretary soon. Spoiled I tell ya!
  18. Pretty Hard to Argue Any of This, Very Insightful, well thought out, humorous, but right on the money.
  19. OK, then why did he order or at least allow the tapes to be destroyed, no leverage at all for GODell, DUMB!!!!
  20. Wow, what a show of good faith, this should really escalate the pace of talks. I think that he should be able to get by alright for a year, then they will give him a 50 % raise once a deal is reached. Maybe we should take up a collection for him.
  21. Whew, for a minute there, I thought that they might have let Spaggs out of prison....again!
  22. NFL Footbal..$49.95, Cleats...$110.00, wristbands...$17.95, the look on Brady's face....priceless.
  23. Coffee up through nostrils on this one, funny, but also hurts, because it is very accurate. Merriman/Moats/Poz will herald his arrival.
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