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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. I didn't peek, so here goes,the higher up the list, the greater the chance that they will not make the big dance: 1.KC 2.Seahawks 3.Chicago 4.Baltimore Ravens 5.Indy Colts Fire away!
  2. Captain, she is up to warp factor now sir!
  3. Please tell us how you reallly feel, now don't hold back. All kidding aside, I totally agree with you on Oberman, but in sports broadcasting, and even other media stuff, intelligence and experience on the subject matter at hand are really not prerquisites for commentator selection, it is a popularity thing. Another good example is having, what's the blond dyke talk show chick?, can't place the name at the moment, as a judge on American Idol, now what the hell does she know about singing? Oberman has turned way to many people of with is political viewpoints, and ramblings, that he is just white noise anymore.
  4. Oh, the indigestaion alone could kill him. Shouldn't have to worry to much about Dareus testing positive for steroids then.
  5. I almost fell for that for like the 500th time, oh no, you aren't getting me again.
  6. Gailey thinking, geez, these guys can't even get the friggin snap count right, and the player, not sure who that is, is going, go team go, cisk boom ba.
  7. Agreed, he should maintain a balanced even keeled view of the situation, like me.
  8. A little guy stands up in a bar and shouts, ah, all laywers are A-holes. A big burly guy quickly stands up and blurts, hey, I resent that remark, to which the little guy responds with, what are you some kind of an attorney or something? the big guy responds with, no I am an A-hole. Be here all week!
  9. Thanks for splainin, I didn't realize that was going on, probably for the better than, like I said, I was just curious, I knew the answer before I asked the question, was just looking for a definitive reason. I knew that the mods probably put the clamps on it, but wasn't sure why. Great site, read way more than I post, and would rather have access minus hot chick avatars, then no accss at all. Oh man, I must have accidently activated my webcam again.
  10. I find that extremly offensive, know any good sites?
  11. Looks like we are going to have to expedite the activation of the new site, it will be a no holds barred medium.
  12. I've been rocking mine for a couple of years now. Hilarious, how do you rate, I find her a little offensive, still hot though. Are you sure that is a chick?
  13. Just curious, did the site find religion or what, I so miss them. They were afterall pretty harmless IMHO.Bring em back, please!
  14. Casey, is that you? I thought that you had reloacted to Siberia.
  15. Chandler#81 always has the best, level headed advice, better heed it. You can state your opinion without having to resort to name calling, and other nasty barbes.
  16. Andy Levitre Fred Jackson Eric Wood Kyle Williams Ryan Fitzpatrick Stevie Johnson Lee Evans Marcel Dareus Arthur Moats Brian Moorman Moorman and Spiller are actually pretty close, but with Jackson on the list already, I think you go Moorman. Dareus, due to him not really having any body of work to review, other than College, might be a reach, but I don't think so.
  17. Yes, I just traded with my brother a maybe 1/4 scale goalie statue (older goalie type)for a one of a kind Poz maybe 1/10 scale hand painetd figurine, complete in throwback uni, if he gets traded, what the heck?
  18. Man, that is my birthday, and I would love to have them, but I don't know what PM is, can you help a fellow fan out? I figured it out and PM'd my address to you, would be very appreciative. BTW, great avavtar, only one better that I have seen is steak face.
  19. Ryan Fitzatrick.....zip it far, k, yac, tan or if you were just using last name.....zip it far, ck? if only that were an o instead of a c, it would be perfect. I am only here for a few minutes.
  20. Hate to but in, but criminal? No, Saint, or even dcent person, well.....
  21. Fitzpatrick could not play hockey, his IQ is too high.
  22. He didn't find it, he stole it from me. That's ok this board is big enough for the both of us.
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