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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. Man, after reading this, it makes me want to move back. I hail from Lakeview originally, and talk about a "small town within a big city", Lakeview is a small towm within a small town, within a big city. But I loved every bit of my youth living there, yes, including the snow! Go Go Go Bills!
  2. OK, Yeah, like this is gonna help them. I think the biggest thing hurting the Jets defense right now, is they are misssing Kris Jenkins, when he retired, that left a huge hole that isn't going to be filled easily for them. Bills fans understand the impotance of having big bodies up front, don't we?
  3. Me too! I'm thinking either Bengal Balls or Squished Fish. Maybe Redskinned Potatoes. Eagle Wings anyone?
  4. Bills win 31-14
  5. Man, you are just the type of poster that everybody on this board complains about, you need to take your I'll BILLive when I see it attitude, and go haunt some other board. I am not naive enough to think that we go 19-0, but you are going to have to find another screen name, and soon. All of the stuff you list above as never seen that before type plays, is just plain BS. We had some breaks, but so did NE, Byrd's tackle, intentional grounding on Brady not called, Kelso and Merriman getting held all day, Welker catching a pass and barely breaking the end zone on a 4 and 6, if that is not somewhat fortuitous, then I don't know what is. You are quite welcome to wait until week 8 to "see where we are then", and you are entitled to your opinion,just don't try to jam into evetyone else's collective throats, beacuse we might just regurgitate it on you! Have a nice day!
  6. Yep, horeshoe up our arse all year, 19-0 baby!
  7. Geez Brian, I realize you are just a skinny punter and all, but I think you just broke my shoulder.
  8. Gotta love it, a football groupie, keep her away from Tim McGraw, at least well Faith is around. Good thing she didn't either!
  9. man, this is eerie, feeling totally frustrated and having a serious case of oh no, here we go again, I retreated to my son's bakyard with my other son to pitch some horeshoes at halftime. The horseshoe game was hottly contested, and tied at 15-15, when my older son comes out and states that the Bills just scored a td. Now, I knew that I might have missed the kickoff for the second half, and maybe a couple of plays, but being the masochist that I am, I definitley wanted to at least see if we could get a spark somewhere. When my older son, comes out to walk his dog, and casually mentions that the Bills scored a TD. I stopped the horeshoes imeediatley, and told my son we would pick it up later, came in to the house, and what unfolded next was unBillievable, I couldn't belive what I was seeing, reminded me very much of the Houston comeback playoff game, the pace, the feeling, just everything,the fans going wild, etc.... and this was exactly the same way the Houston game unfolded for me too, going outside to blow some steam off, only to be sucked back in at the mention of a Bills TD, and then holy moly they just keep coming back. This one ranks pretty close to the Houston game for me. I couldn't watch the last TD, my younger son had to watch for me, he could sense the stress and offered. When he said TD, I picked him up off of the floor almost over my head, and starting prancing around uncontrollably with him in my arms, and he is 6'2" and weighs 235 pounds, he felt like a feather. Later we resumed our game of horseshoes, I didn't score another point and was handily defeated, I couldn't even see a peg I was so pumped. We might struggle against the Pats next week, but this game will do more for a young identity seeking team, then anything I can think of. Good job Bills! No this is just getting downright spooky. I posted the above after last week's Oakland miracle. No horeshoes at halftime yesterday, there was no chance that I was missing the second half kickoff, especially after we got back into the game late in the first half. I was still plenty worried though, and after we sh%$t the bed on the first drive to open up the second half,it was definitley nail biting time. I would walk away to another room, maybe still witin earshot of the announcers,and my son was relaying the results as I kneeled in prayer position, alright now,I was not praying for Bill's good fortune, I just assumed the position. After a while of alternating from the TV room to another room and trying to figure out where my location would benefit the Bill's the most, I finally just said the hell with it, and stayed focused on the game, I would still alternate from one side of my son to other, and after not being able to determine exactly where I should be for positive results, I stopped playing musical chairs and devoted my attention to the game. A funny thing happened, the Patriots all of the sudden didn't look so scary to me, oh I was still plenty worried about the outcome, but I could actually keep my eyes open for an entire play, they may have been peeking between two fingers, but they were wide open. When my son relayed the results of the field goal, no, I couldn't watch that play, got week in the knees again, again I grabbed him and picked him high in the air and began the ritual of prancing around with him. Let me tell you something Bill's fans, my son can be a bit of a pest at times, and sometimnes I like to get a litte break from him, because it seems like we are joined at the hip most of the time, this kid isn't going anywhere, but with me on Sunday afternoons, at least not until, God forbid, we drop one, then he is on his own. BTW, we played horeshoes after the game, and I whipped his arse, no problem seein the peg this time. I think that I am getting used to this sh*&t. Go Bills! 19-0 Baby!
  10. Reminded me of the new Miller Light Commercial where the big burly guys is screming like a little girl as he rides the roller coaster down the big hill. Unmannly yes, but I like it too!
  11. OK, I still wet the bed, that's about all I could come up with!
  12. Personally I don't care if he sports a skirt and pigtails, if he keeps lighting it up like he is doing, I would be perfevctly comfortable with that attire. Go Bils & Fitzmagic!
  13. man, this is eerie, feeling totally frustrated and having a serious case of oh no, here we go again, I retreated to my son's bakyard with my other son to pitch some horeshoes at halftime. The horseshoe game was hottly contested, and tied at 15-15, when my older son comes out and states that the Bills just scored a td. Now, I knew that I might have missed the kickoff for the second half, and maybe a couple of plays, but being the masochist that I am, I definitley wanted to at least see if we could get a spark somewhere. When my older son, comes out to walk his dog, and casually mentions that the Bills scored a TD. I stopped the horeshoes imeediatley, and told my son we would pick it up later, came in to the house, and what unfolded next was unBillievable, I couldn't belive what I was seeing, reminded me very much of the Houston comeback playoff game, the pace, the feeling, just everything,the fans going wild, etc.... and this was exactly the same way the Houston game unfolded for me too, going outside to blow some steam off, only to be sucked back in at the mention of a Bills TD, and then holy moly they just keep coming back. This one ranks pretty close to the Houston game for me. I couldn't watch the last TD, my younger son had to watch for me, he could sense the stress and offered. When he said TD, I picked him up off of the floor almost over my head, and starting prancing around uncontrollably with him in my arms, and he is 6'2" and weighs 235 pounds, he felt like a feather. Later we resumed our game of horseshoes, I didn't score another point and was handily defeated, I couldn't even see a peg I was so pumped. We might struggle against the Pats next week, but this game will do more for a young identity seeking team, then anything I can think of. Good job Bills!
  14. He would then become the bald bomber!
  15. I think Lamonica was the main reason he was and still is a Raider's fan, and he resides in Margate, tell him Tommy sent ya! My brother lives close to him, and he wanted him to get together with him and a bunch of his Raidrers friends at some local Raiders Bar, yes, they have Raiders , and about every other team, bars in S. Florida. He didn't want any part of that.Might accidently get a spike in the eye.
  16. You mean they let this tool, no pun intended, back in? WTF?
  17. Good one meathead, but what makes you an authority on meat anyways? Dude your avatar is sick, but I love it, very creative.
  18. Sticking with my totals from season prediction thread 27-25 Bills.
  19. Senator, that is your standard response to everything, isn't it? Keep up the good work!
  20. Yeah, my cousin is a die-hard Raiders fan since his youth, he is now dam near 50 and is from Buffalo, although he now resides in South Florida.I would loove to text him some smack, but I will wait until Monday to do so. Still a little cautious, but always BILLieve!
  21. I think that a bigger concern is letting the RB catch the ball out of the backfield out in the flat, they were getting huge chunks of yardage rigt in the seam of our defense there, we have to do a better job on that, but not much else to complain about.
  22. I could be wrong, but wasn't it a Merriman hit on the RB that casued the fumble a the start of the second half.
  23. Well wippty do god for you...I mean him. It was a joke, why so serious?
  24. I want playoffs....and bust!Why does it have to be or?
  25. Very insightfull there rookie, well I guess the old adage applies, rookies she be seen but not heard.
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