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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. I concur We have to remember that as fans it is o.k. to predicict and pontificate, we don't suit up and play and I have said this before, just so the players remained focused game to game. All the way baby!
  2. What the f ck is with those glasses he wears?
  3. I think that Moorman resembles eminem! Go Bills!
  4. Is it me, or does Chris Carter look like Steve Erkle all grown up, anybody with me there?
  5. We, as fans, do not suit up and take the field, therefore, we have every right to speculate and look ahead, just so the players don't do it.
  6. I think we have faced Trent Green before, I didn't look it up, but I think we have done well against him in the past! We will cover!
  7. I don't belive that you could be sued, as you are not passing yourself off as ajournalist, but I think there maybe some validity to the thought of suing him, journalists get sued all the time for not having their facts correct, just ask the National Inquirer. Buit is it worth it?
  8. A lot has changed since we were going to SB's. But in general, I concur.
  9. I am cancelling my Comcast service right now!
  10. Yeah, I noticed in the USA Today a couple of weeks ago, that one of the wtiters used The "Toronto Bills", at least he picked us to win, they are all jumping on the band wagon now, what sheep! I guess they just can't wtite anything good about the Bills without throwing a jab in there. we get no respect, again, it will be that much sweeter. At least we won't have to hear people boast about how they picked us to shine, before the season began, nobody did.
  11. Great Picture! I love the fact that the focus is on the team, and Lindell/Moorman are blurry. Very appropriate. Go Bills!
  12. Not a good idea, this guy is a loose canon, he would be very disruptive on the sidelines as well. If you think Jerry Jones is meddlesome, this guy would be second guessing the water boy! thanks, but no thanks.
  13. My brother and I,(both rabid Bills Fans) loved that commercial, and of course Bruuuuuce as well. That was Dennis Hopper, right? I have the Sports Illustrated Bruce article where he is standing in a blue body shirt looking absolutley ripped, and very menacing. That's my favorite Bruce pictureI also have video from his first or maybe second training camp and he was pulling in and was looking at me like he wanted to wrap the camera around my neck. I was close enough for him to do it He was very imposing then as well, and you could tell that he was special. By the way on that same video, I have Marv doing maybe like 75 or 100 straight push-ups at the start of one of the second two-a-days. He got a standing ovation.
  14. Personally, I would prefer to fly under the radar a little while longer, when they accomplish much more than anbody would have predicted, it will be that much sweeter. Go Bills!
  15. Poor Ed Herculeus, wawawaw!
  16. Yeah, I was pretty sure that it was discussed, mea culpa, but they are that bad. They appear to be a little different this year. Maybe if we discuss it enough, they will do something about them, we all know that the organization monitors this board for ideas, right?
  17. Those road uniforms are absoloutley hideous. Bring back the powder blue/white w/standing buffalo. I really like the simplicity of the old uniforms, the new ones have too much going on. Go BABABABABABills!
  18. Maybe his big biceps got in the way of seeing the fumble!
  19. What a shame, best name for a placekicker since Mick Nickameir! I know that I butchered the spelling.
  20. Did we mention special teams? Whoa!
  21. I didn't see the play, but my brother did, and he said it was bull sh-- too. 1 penalty is awesome!
  22. I am going home to horse collar someone! Go BABABABABills!
  23. It was nice to see the Bills cutting veteran FA's the likes of Spragan & James. I really belive that it is indicative of a new approcach that Jauron and Staff are taking. I believe that they have much more faith in their core group of players this season, and belive that they are ready for the next step in the, dare I say, "rebuilding process" With that being said, I can't really fault the current staff for trying to infuse leadership in the past, but we don't need that anymore, this team is ready to blossom NOW! What a great message it also sends to the rest of the team, work hard, and the opportunity will be yours to take advantage of. We have had enough of the A-Trains and the Vncents & Milloys, although they probably did infuse some leadership, it basically delays the development of others who have potentially more future upside. Maybe Jauron and company will also shed some of that conservatism, and knowing that he is on the hot seat this year, I believe he will do exactly that, and that, will be very refreshing to see.
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