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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. Recently, yes, but you would have to admit that since Edwards has taken the reigns, the passing game has definitley been more efficient, with Edwards spreading the Ball to a lot of different recievers and backs, resulting in more time consuming, ball controlling, and fruitful drives. JP can't do that nearly as well. Will he be the Quartrback (Trent) we desperatley need going forward? Time will tell, me thinks we gave JP enough time already! He is good on the long ball and taking sacks though. Not to try and make a Trent/JP thing out of it or anything, it's just that we don't have anybody on the team better than him, I say we give him another season as the starter, unless he really implodes, that could mean another year of no playoffs, but what else can you do, bring in a veteran free agent as insurance maybe. Hows that for bull sh--?
  2. Although parts of your assessment are indeed correct, I do not totally agree with ya here, Trent's issues can all be explained with three words, youth,youth,and youth. I can tell you, from my perspective, I think that he is ging to be a good one. What I noticed about Trent, is the very first time that he took the field, our offense moved, and there was continuity,drives being extended, keeping the defense off of the field, and his accuracy cannot be disputed. His confidence has been shaken some, due to his recent struggles,which he has to shoulder some of the blame for, the balance falls on bad coaching and poor play calling. You can throw Ben Rothlisberger out to me, but he is definitley the exception, and not the rule.Give him time, this kid is definitley going to be a good one, and isn't half bad right now. He is a bit injury prone, but his position is a position that is vulnerable to injury, after all he touches the ball on every play.
  3. Not positive, but I think that this was our first SB year, and we beat the Raiders 51 to like 3 or something , then went on to beat Denver in the AFC Championship game 10-7, then lost, on the, heaven forbid, wide right thing. I could be wrong, strictly from my Alzhiemer memory bank.
  4. The biggest one!
  5. And why do we take your word for it. I think that you are dead wrong on the talent issue thing. There are plenty of, as others have posted, small very productive WR's, and Evans may not be huge, but I would not classify him as small. We do need a tight end, but how many teams have great tight ends, and how critical are they to their success? Tight Ends are overrated in todays game. We do have a critical starting linebacker on IR, and several other non-starters are currently injured. I will go along with you on the poor coaching, but this team does have talent.
  6. Something tells me San Fran.
  7. Best post ever. I am probably just, or more, guilty then the next guy, but I think, and hope, that all Americans wake up, and buy American, I personally will never buy another foreign car , regardless of where it is made.But beyond that, it becomes very difficult. The Auto Industry mess has shaken me to the core, do we make anything anymore? I know that I will be checking going forward. I hope that they show them the money. I hope that Obama's very first campain promise he keeps, is to stop American Companies from investing overseas.Go Bills!
  8. Here's they way that I see it: We have three home games left and two road ones, we have to win all three home games, including the home away from home game with the fish. We split the other two at a minimum, the Broncos look beatable right now, and we owe the Jests one, so this is doable. If we run the table, all the better, but we definitley get in if we take 4 out of five. If we lose two, it is still possible, although it will be difficult. Teams need to keep coming back to the pack, just like the NFL likes it. To those who say, yeah, but were are we going, lets worry about that then.
  9. Garbage team or not, 54 points is 54 points, I feel very positive about this team and Edwards in general after what he did today, so we struggle still against better teams, and are rarely losing to weak ones, sooner or later we will be beating the good ones too, so I see progress. Last couple of years we would play down to teams like KC, and others, we still would win our share of those, but it would be a struggle, progress, man, progress.
  10. How many SB's victories, does Parcells have, I think that the answer is two, and if it weren't for, heaven forbid, wide right, he would have only one, what makes him an expert? He is way overrated.
  11. Let me count the ways, oh, I lost count, come on dude, we are playing the biggest game of our season, and have everything pretty much riding on the outcome, and we come out and lay a collective egg, there were a lot of contributors, and none more than our quarterback, but I am with others on this, he is our HC, and I really do not care what approach he takes, getting in peoples faces, or singing them a pep song, he is ultimatley responsible for having his team ready.What about the three divisional games, all very important, and same sing man, we just do not fire out of the gates very well, I have been thinking about this for at least the last couple of seasons, and it is true, or at least it appears to me that way, that he really never truly has us prepared.I thought that it might be nice to have a firey coach like Cowher or Coughlin, but thinking about it deeper, it does not really matter what the head coach's demeanor is, all styles can work, but in my opinion Jaron has failed us here. Right now it is a toss-up as to wheteher or not this guy should remain the HC after this season, it is a tough situation, because you do not want to lose everything that he has built, and he has done some things right, game day decisions and prepartion aside.
  12. The B-52's..currently they are bombing!
  13. Offensive Line! I do not miss a Bills football game, ever. I either find a radio station that covers the game, or I go to NFL.com, so my assessment may not be as accurate as someone's who has watched every game, but if I am getting the impression, just by lsitening or reviewing stats and plays on NFL.com, that there is a lack of passion and fire, then there has to be. I cannot speak of everyone on the team, but I definitley think that Peters is just going through the motions, and I think that Dockery is being effected by it. Peters held out until the last possible momemt, so as to avoid missing out on game checks, comes in and promptly gets all kinds of flags, and lets opponents have unabated paths to Edwards. He knew, that with that type of play, they will be less inclined to offer him a contract extension, so I think that he is laying down. His performance will pick up once his contract year comes up. I think that he came back wanting to perform, but was just not in game shape, so he wasn't, and that might have scared the Bills away from an eventual long term commitment. I think that Dockery's play has slipped, because he already has a huge contract, and realizes that Peters is just going through the motions, why should I bust my tail for someone who has packed it in, and plays right next to me. Just a thought, but there is no way that anyone can convince me that the OL has slipped this badly, even in spite of all their injuries, and even though they were not considered great run blockers last year. Peters is a cancer on this team, and I hope that they do not re-sign him. How many times have we seen in the NFL, where one guy on the OL steps in and lifts the performane of the whole unit, Faneca with the Jets comes to my mind.
  14. I tend to agree here, although, I do not currently live in the area, I do not miss a Bills football game, ever. I either find a radio station that covers the game, or I go to NFL.com, so my assessment may not be as accurate as someone's who has watched every game, but if I am getting the impression, just by lsitening or reviewing stats and plays on NFL.com, that there is a lack of passion and fire, then there has to be. I cannot speak of everyone on the team, but I definitley think that Peters is just going through the motions, and I think that Dockery is being effected by it. Peters held out until the last possible momemt, so as to avoid missing out on game checks, comes in and promptly gets all kinds of flags, and lets opponents have unabated paths to Edwards. He knew, that with that type of play, they will be less inclined to offer him a contract extension, so I think that he is laying down. His performance will pick up once his contract year comes up. I think that he came back wanting to perform, but was just not in game shape, so he wasn't, and that might have scared the Bills away from an eventual long term commitment. I think that Dockery's play has slipped, because he already has a huge contract, and realizes that Peters is just going through the motions, why should I bust my tail for someone who has packed it in, and plays right next to me. Just a thought, but there is no way that anyone can convince me that the OL has slipped this badly, even in spite of all their injuries, and even though they were not considered great run blockers last year. Peters is a cncer on this team, and I hope that they do not re-sign him. How many times have we seen in the NFL, where one guy on the OL steps in and lifts the performane of the whole unit, Faneca with the Jets comes to my mind.
  15. What people do on their own time is none of our business.
  16. You make a good point, but the point he is making is correct, if we can't stop them from the 5, then we probably won't stop them from the 20 either, take the 3, and take your chances stopping them from the 20, no guarantee that he makes the field goal, but at least you show some confidence in those players who can be difference makers.
  17. That about sums it up, you cannot use injuries as an excuse, all teams have them. He (Jauron) never has us really ready for a big game, I do not really care what his tempermenat is, was, or should be, the bottom line is the bottom line.
  18. I really do not have a problem with this, after all, the players decide when they want to turn it off and on again when it comes to performance, we as fans should have the same rights, take what you want and lock up when you leave. Another words have fun when they win, and disown them when they lose, you will keep your sanity longer this way.
  19. No problem with your psessimistic view here at all, we have many posters just like you, what I do have a problem with is your handle, 1billsfan, how can you call yourself that, what an oxyMORON.
  20. I will kneel down behind him, and you push him over, I will hold him, and you hit him. I will also call him bad things, man!!@!
  21. Yeah, I agree, hideous, and the yellow-tipped shoes were way out there, I kept thinking that they were a flag thrown by the referee.
  22. Maybe we should quilt while we are ahead.
  23. I think that Evans is definitley in the top five reciever category, and he is the consumate team player, which is really important on a team like Buffalo, where they are trying to establish themselves as contenders now, and into the future. He has adjusted nicely to Trent, and has become the go to guy, he now runs slants and crossing patterns, and he can almost be considered a possession type reciever, maybe not quite a Coles, but not too far from that, and with speed to burn, and the best hands in the business. He (Evans) can no longer be considered a one-trick pony. He is a stud, and a future HOFmer. I would take him right now, with youth on his side, over any other receiver in the NFL. As far as Williams goes, he would have been a nice compliment to Lee, doubt he would have wanted to come to Buffalo, not a knock, just plain fact, gives a couple of years, and everybody will want to come to Buffalo. But Williams may not work out for Dallas, and he may not of here, funny things have a way of happening, there are a lot of big f&%ing egos on that Dallas squad, and sooner or later, they will rear their ugly heads, ala, "that's my quarterback". He goes from that, to the third game of the season throwing his "quarterback" under the proverbial bus. Dallas can keep him, he is a T.O. in training.
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