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Everything posted by Cookiemonster

  1. Yeah, what about the Cutler to Skins/Brady to Browns rumor, that too was supposed to happen at 5:00 last night. Althoug that one I at least heard the NFL channel discussing this morning, I did not hear anything about Sheffler to Buffalo speculation. BTW, Deano, I like the new Avatar, it really pops up at you!
  2. I told you that he was a bum, a malcontent, and a cancer didn't I, now if we can find a way to split the differnce, sign him up. I was one of the ones that wanted him traded, but I really don't think that that is going to help us now, we would have too much chemistry issues with all of the changes on the OL, we need some continuity, and our draft needs are too big in other areas. Dockery being gone, and Hangartner being new, we might just have to cave some, then maybe we can work a deal (trade) for him next year, unless that is his FA year. We have a chance to strike while the iron is hot with TO now, we have to protect Trent, and a motivated, even mildly, Peters, probably gives us the best chance to do that.
  3. Just shut up, you glove fearing mary. Just kidding.
  4. It was a halfhearted attempt at a joke, but the agreeing part was no joke, BTW who named you the poster pundit, you must be the type that never posts anything, just trolls to criticize. Get a life ahole.
  5. Man, I don't know what your smoking, but can you pass it over here. Seriously though, I agree with your somewhat rose colored assessment, we are definitley going to be very explosive. I know that everyone is thinking that, how can one person impact the offense that much, but he will. We were not that far away from being explosive, with TO, that will really open things up, it's just gotta change the way teams are going to defend us, and that alone will provide options. Go Bills!
  6. I see that you have never been in a foxhole! Maybe the next Hitler will target athiests. There has been more than a little blood shed over religion, even lack thereof. BTW, no need to start your post with the obvious.
  7. Well, unlike the cookies, I am sure that they are no longer edible, I will call 911 for you, if you get desparate.
  8. JP, is that you? I thought that you would be gone by now. What do you say? no suitors, ah shucks. Trent will shine this year.
  9. The sooner that we can get TO to state "that's my quarterback", the better.
  10. Funny, especially the one about OJ, of course we all know that he really didn't do it.
  11. Yeah, not bad, only it would be nice to see a full frontal shot of her, for all we know, she might be sporting a full beard.
  12. Any competitition for the NFL is good, their collective heads are so big from taking our money that they are ready to pop and slime green ooze all over the place. It sounds as though this new leauge has some NFL blessing, or sponsoring, so I am not sure that this is really competition. The NFL is an Oligoploly, and they need smacked downed a bit.
  13. The alternative can't be any better.
  14. No, but he did stay at a Holiday Inn last night.
  15. Perfect, if you could add some effects that make the words read nasaly, you would him be.
  16. Nice name, I live in Pennsylvania, an my buddy from Florida always refers to our state as Pennsyltucky. No offense taken, I am originally from Buffalo. Just thought that I would pass that along.
  17. Who the hell cares, as long as he is catching TD's on the field.
  18. Are you kidding me? My fingers are about down to stubs right now from all of the toggling back and forth, just looking for a little sliver of hope, thos 2nd and 3rd tier FA's are looking pretty good right now, just like the ugly chick at that end of the bar at closing time. I mean geeeez, I do have a job you know.
  19. Yeah, then we went 5-1, were really on cloud 9, and then all of the sudden, to borrow a quote from emril, "Bam" what a precipitous fall. Thats why we are all on the same page.
  20. You make a valid point, I am guilty, as I forget to check the discussion board, and just look at the ones on the 1rst page, and invaribly post something stupid that has, was, or is about to be discussed in another thread. Not sure how you combat this, but to me it is a minor inconvenience, like I said, I just move on to another one. It is kind of frustrating when you see a Title that really grabs your attention, only to open it and find no substance. I, for one, am going to make a point to check first before posting, kind of like thinking before opening your mouth. I will say this though, the majority of the posts that I read here, are very well presented, thought out, and generally insightful, I didn't say jounalistic masterpieces. Even the ones not thought out and insightful, are great reads for the responses alone. In conclusion, although having no base comparison, Bills fans are very intelligent and knowledgable, not the most courteous though. Oh, and another thing, I don't like the way that you stuff yourself at your mother-in-laws.
  21. You friggin guys kill me, you are making it sound as though you have some kind of exclusive fraternity here on this site, and that any new posters are stupid. Remeber that this is a discussion board open to all, new or otherwise, and yeah, I do get sick of all the complaining, but they have every right to voice their opinion, dumb or otherwise. I do think that some of this complaining is very jusutified, and it really is a shame that the organiztion is being collectively held hostage by a senile greedy old man, he can't go any sooner for my liking, maybe we can get someone to spike his oj with something to help speed the process along. I like posts of all sorts, and really do not look at who it is posting, if I do not like the content or responses, I move on to one that I find more appealing. BTW, I have seen some horrible posts by some of you who have a lengthy posting history, and HOF status, but that isn't going to stop me from reading one of your subsequent posts. What the real concern is, how much time people spend looking up other peoples past posts to poke holes in them or try to prove their point, these are the people that really need to get lives. Believe me, nobody is sitting here reading these and thinking, wow what journalistic, and well thought out post this guy is making, or boy he really showed him with that response. I think to the contrary, they are probably saying, what a vindictive and petty dumb ass. Don't kid yourselves here on this site, remeber that your posts are just opinions, and that nobody takes them very seriously, you are just not that important, just a bunch of Mel Kiper wannabes.
  22. Dennis? Dennis Green, is that you?
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